모든 Stihl ms에 대한 빠른 수정 391 전기톱 문제

If you’re a owner of a 스틸 MS 391 전기톱, 결국 몇 가지 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 기사에서, we’ll go over some of the most common problems and questions that owners have. Hopefully this will help you fix any issues you’re having and get back to using your chainsaw.

6 일반적인 문제 및 해결 방법

1. 시작하지 않음

스틸 ms 391 has been one of the most popular chainsaws in the market for many years. 하지만, there have been some problems with this saw that users may want to be aware of. This article will discuss some of the common issues and their solutions.

One common problem is that the chain can break easily. This can happen if the user does not properly maintain or tension the chain. 이런 일이 발생하지 않도록하려면, it is important to keep a proper chain oil level and to tension the chain properly every time you use the saw.

Another common issue is that the barbs on the blade can get clogged with foliage or wood shavings. 이런 일이 발생하면, it can cause significant damage to your saw. To avoid this, it is important to clean your saw regularly and make sure that all barbs are installed correctly.

2. 큰 소리

If you are experiencing loud noise from your Stihl ms 391 전기톱, there are a few things you can do to try and resolve the issue. 첫 번째, 체인에 윤활유가 제대로 도포되었는지 확인하세요.. This will help to reduce the noise and provide better performance.

If the lubricant is not working, 체인을 교체해야 할 수도 있습니다. Chain wear can cause loud noise from your chainsaw. If the chain is excessively worn, it can start to make noise when the saw is in use. In some cases, the chain may need to be replaced altogether.

체인이 문제가 아닌 경우, you may need to check the carburetor or muffler. These components can also cause loud noise from your chainsaw. If the noise is coming from the saw, there are likely some other issues that need to be addressed.

3. 자르다가 갑자기 죽는다

I own a Stihl ms 391 전기톱. I have had it for about two years, and it has always worked great until now. It suddenly dies while I am cutting, and I can’t seem to figure out what is wrong. Here are some of the things that I have tried and you can do this also:

  1. 점화 플러그를 새것으로 교체하세요
  2. Check the fuel pump
  3. Clean the air filter
  4. Remove the EGR valve
  5. Check the oil level
  6. Replace the chain

If all of these solutions doesn’t work, you may need to consult the dealers!

4. 엔진이 점차 힘을 잃음

스틸 ms 391 gas-powered chain saw is a popular choice for homeowners and professionals. 하지만, there are several problems that can occur with this machine. One of the most common problems with the Stihl ms 391 engine is that it loses power gradually. This can be due to a number of factors, such as dirty air filters, clogged air intake ports, or worn out piston rings.

In many cases, simply cleaning these areas will fix the issue and restore power to the engine. If this does not solve the problem, then it may be necessary to replace the entire engine. Replacing the engine should only be considered if there is significant damage done to it over time.

5. 체인이 느슨해지는 경향이 있습니다.

스틸 ms 391 chain tends to be loose, which could lead to a loss of power and possible injury. There are a few things that you can do to tighten the chain and avoid this issue.

  1. Check the tensioner. The first step is to check the tensioner. This is a device that helps to tighten the chain. If it is not properly tensioned, the chain will be loose. Check the tensioner by rotating it clockwise and anticlockwise. If the chain is loose, the tensioner will not be able to tighten it.
  2. Check the drive wheel. If the tensioner is not the problem, the next step is to check the drive wheel. This is the wheel that transmits the power to the chain. Make sure it is properly installed and aligned. If it is not, the chain will be loose.
  3. Check the linkages. If the drive wheel and linkages are not the problem, the next step is to check the linkages. These are the links that connect the chain to the sprockets. Make sure they are properly attached and aligned. If they are not, the chain will be loose.

If the chain is loose, it will lead to a loss of power and possible injury. 다음 단계를 따르면, you can keep your Stihl ms 391 in good condition and avoid any issues.

6. 전기톱의 오일러가 작동하지 않음

If the oiler on your Stihl ms 391 chainsaw is not working, you can try the following:

  1. Check the oil level. Make sure the oil is at the proper level and is not leaking.
  2. Clear the oil filter. If the filter is clogged, the oil will not flow properly and the chainsaw will not work.
  3. Check the oil pump. If the oil pump is not working, the chainsaw will not work.
  4. Check the oil lines. If the lines are clogged, the chainsaw will not work.

스틸 ms 391

Other Issues and Fixes

7. The Chain Has Stopped Engaging Due to a Dirty Air Filter

If your Stihl ms 391 chain has stopped engaging, 문제를 해결하기 위해 할 수 있는 몇 가지 방법이 있습니다..

첫 번째, check to make sure that the chain is properly tensioned. 체인이 너무 느슨한 경우, it will not engage properly. 다음, check the chain brake to make sure it is not engaged. If the chain brake is engaged, it will prevent the chain from engaging. 드디어, check the clutch to make sure it is not damaged or defective. If the clutch is damaged, 교체해야 할 것입니다..

8. Chain Sprocket and Clutch Drum Oil Seal Failure

When your Stihl MS 391 chain sprocket and clutch drum oil seal failure, 문제를 해결하기 위해 할 수 있는 일이 몇 가지 있습니다.. 첫 번째, you’ll need to remove the sprocket cover. 다음, remove the clutch drum. 드디어, remove the oil seal.

9. Crankshaft Oil Seal Failure

첫 번째, you’ll need to remove the crankshaft oil seal. You can do this with a screwdriver or a small pry bar. Be careful not to damage the crankshaft while you’re doing this.

Once the crankshaft oil seal has been removed, you’ll need to clean the area around the seal. You can do this with a rag and some rubbing alcohol.

다음, you’ll need to install the new crankshaft oil seal. You can do this by hand, or with a small hammer. Be sure to install the seal so that the lip is facing the correct direction.

드디어, you’ll need to add some fresh oil to the crankshaft. You can do this by pouring it into the oil fill hole.

그게 다야! You’ve now fixed your Stihl ms 391 crankshaft oil seal failure.

10. Poor Handling

Once you’re having trouble handling your stihl ms 391 전기톱, there are a few things you can do to try to improve the situation.

첫 번째, check the saw’s chain tension. 체인이 너무 느슨한 경우, it can cause the saw to vibrate and make it difficult to control. 초, make sure the bar and chain are properly lubricated. If they’re not, the saw can bind and be difficult to control. 제삼, check the chain brake to make sure it’s functioning properly. 그렇지 않다면, the saw can kick back and be difficult to control. 드디어, 다른 모든 것이 실패하면, consult a professional for help.

11. Leaking Oil Tank

There are a few steps you can take to solve the problem.

  1. Check the oil level in the tank. If the oil level is low, fill the tank to the correct level and see if the leak stops.
  2. Check the oil seals. If the seals are damaged or worn, they may need to be replaced.
  3. Check the oil tank for cracks or holes. If any are found, the tank will need to be replaced.
  4. 문제가 지속되면, take the chainsaw to a qualified repair person for further diagnosis.

How to clean and care for Stihl MS 391?

Here are some tips on how to clean and care for it:

  • Always clean the chainsaw after use. This will prevent the build-up of sap, resin, and sawdust, which can damage the chainsaw.
  • Use a chainsaw file to keep the chain sharp. A dull chain can cause the chainsaw to kick back, 위험할 수 있는.
  • Oil the chain regularly. This will help keep the chain from rusting and will also help it to cut more smoothly.
  • Store the chainsaw in a dry, protected place when not in use. This will help to prolong its life.


If you’re having trouble with your Stihl ms 391, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many people have had problems with this chain saw, and there are some common issues that can be easily fixed. Check out this list of FAQs to see if your problem can be solved, or consult a professional if you’re still having trouble.