스틸 MS 361 is a great saw for the price. It has many features that make it a good choice for the Beginner or Expert woodworker. The saw has a wide variety of options to choose from, making it easy to find what you need. It is also very fast and efficient, making it perfect for the beginner or professional woodworker.
스틸 MS 361: 이 전기톱에 대해 알아야 할 사항?
그만큼 스틸 MS 361 is a high-powered chainsaw that is perfect for a variety of applications, 나무 벌채 포함, 장작 자르기, and general property maintenance. Here are some things you should know about this chainsaw before you make your purchase:
스틸 MS 361 is also a powerful chainsaw that can handle a variety of tasks. The saw has a 20-inch bar and a chain speed of up to 56 초당 피트, making it one of the fastest cutting saws on the market. The saw is also equipped with an anti-kickback system and a low-vibration handle, making it safe and comfortable to use.
Ovreall, 스틸 MS 361 오래도록 제작된 고품질 전기톱입니다.. 적절한 유지 관리, this saw will provide years of reliable service.
스틸 MS 361 검토
설계 및 시공
When it comes to designing a saw that is perfect for professionals, 스틸 MS 361 was designed with them in mind. This saw was created with a higher power output than most saws on the market, making it ideal for those who need to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
In addition to this, the saw also features a durable construction that can withstand years of heavy use. With all of these features, it is easy to see why the Stihl MS 361 is one of the most popular saws on the market.
스틸 MS 361 is a chain saw that was introduced in 2002. It is a successor to the MS 360, which was introduced in 1993. MS 361 has a number of improvements over the MS 360, including a higher power output and a higher chain speed.
MS 361 uses a stratified charge engine, which means that the fuel mixture is injected into the cylinder at different times. This allows for a higher compression ratio, which results in a higher power output. The saw has a manual chain tensioner and an automatic oiling system. The saw also has an electronic ignition system, which provides a more reliable spark and a longer life for the spark plug.
MS 361 is a professional-grade chain saw that is designed for heavy-duty use. It is a popular choice for logging and tree-removal applications.
절단 성능
스틸 MS 361 다양한 응용 분야에 완벽한 강력하고 다재다능한 전기톱입니다.. It features a low-emission engine that is fuel efficient and provides plenty of power for cutting through even the toughest materials. The saw also has a number of other features that make it an excellent choice for both professional and recreational users.
One of the most impressive aspects of the Stihl MS 361 절단 성능입니다. The saw is able to easily handle a variety of different materials, including timber, 가지, and even thick tree trunks. It cuts through these materials quickly and smoothly, making it a great choice for those who need to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
- STIHL 엘라스토스타트. 압축 압력으로 인해, 내연 기관을 시작할 때 갑작스러운 응력이 발생합니다.. ElastoStart 특수 스타터 그립의 댐핑 요소는 압축 패턴에 따라 힘을 번갈아 흡수 및 해제합니다.. 결과는 매끄럽다, even starting.Carburettor heating (V)Zoom
- Carburettor heating (V). 체인톱을 여름에서 겨울 작동으로 변경하여, 흡입 공기는 엔진 핀을 통해 예열됩니다.. This ensures that the carburettor does not ice up and you can continue working in freezing temperatures.Controlled-delivery oil pumpZoom
- 제어 전달 오일 펌프. 다양한 바 길이, 목재 유형과 톱질 기술에는 서로 다른 양의 오일이 필요합니다.. The controlled-delivery oil pump allows the user to select just the right amount of oil for the job at hand.Side-mounted chain tensioningZoom
- 측면 장착 체인 장력 조정. Side-mounted chain tensioning makes it easy to tension the chain safely.Advanced combustion technologyZoom
- 첨단 연소 기술. 4개의 오버플로 채널이 점화 전에 연료-공기 혼합물을 소용돌이칩니다., 최적의 연소와 고효율 성능을 가능하게 합니다.. 그 결과 넓은 rpm 범위에서 연료 소비가 낮아지고 토크가 높아집니다..
보증 및 보증
Stihl MS를 구입하는 경우 361, you’re not only getting a high-quality chainsaw, but also a 2-year warranty. This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship, so you can feel confident that your saw is built to last. If anything does go wrong, Stihl’s customer service is top-notch and you can be sure they’ll make things right.
찬반 양론
- 스틸 MS 361 다양한 작업을 처리할 수 있는 강력하고 다재다능한 톱입니다..
- 상대적으로 가벼워서 조작도 편하고, 많은 사용자에게 좋은 선택이 될 수 있도록.
- 스틸 MS 361 비쌀 수 있다, 다른 톱보다 더 많은 유지 관리가 필요할 수 있습니다..
- 추가적으로, 톱은 시작하기 어려울 수 있습니다, 그리고 진동이 많이 발생할 수 있습니다..
고객 리뷰
스틸 MS 361 has been in the market for a few years now and it has gained a lot of popularity among customers. Many people cite its performance, 설계, and price as reasons why they have chosen it. Some have even said that it is their favorite model of the bunch. Here are some customer reviews to give you an idea of what people think about thismodel.
Some people are really happy with the way the MS 361 works. They say that it is easy to use, 믿을 수 있는, and efficient. Other customers find it difficult to get started with it, but once they do, they love it. 전반적인, these reviews suggest that there is a lot of satisfaction among those who have tried this machine.
스틸 MS 361 명세서
- 배수량: 59 cm³
- 전원 출력: 3,4/4,6 kW/마력
- 무게: 5,6 킬로그램
- 전력 대 중량 비율: 1,6 kg/kW
- 음압 레벨: 101 dB(ㅏ)
- 사운드 파워 레벨: 114 dB(ㅏ)
- 사운드 파워 레벨: 113 dB(ㅏ)
- 진동 레벨 좌/우: 2,9/3,6 m/s²
- 톱 체인 피치: 3/8″
- STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형: 래피드 슈퍼 (RS)
Stihl MS의 최고 가격은 얼마입니까 361 그리고 구매처?
Stihl MS의 최고 가격 361 전기톱이 주변에 있어요 $500. This price can vary depending on where you purchase the saw and what type of deal you are able to get. Here are a few tips to help you find the best price on a Stihl MS 361:
- Check online retailers: Many online retailers offer great deals on Stihl chainsaws. You can often find the best prices on chainsaws by shopping around online.
- Shop around: It’s important to compare prices from different retailers before you make your purchase. This way, you can be sure you’re getting the best deal on your Stihl MS 361.
- Look for sales: Sales are a great way to save money on a Stihl MS 361. Many retailers offer discounts on chainsaws during special sales events.
- Buy used: You can often find great deals on used Stihl MS 361 전기톱. This is a great option if you’re looking to save money on your purchase.
With these tips in mind, you’re sure to find the best price on a Stihl MS 361. Happy shopping!
매뉴얼 및 운영
그만큼 스틸 MS 361 수동 provide serious instruction for the novice user. The book is filled with helpful images, diagrams, and charts to help the reader understand how to operate the machine. This is a great addition for anyone just starting out or who wants to learn more about this fine tool.
Stihl MS361 Parts List and Diagram
스틸 MS 361 parts list and diagram can help you get started easily when repairs are needed. The parts list is easy to read, and the diagrams make it easy to understand how each part works.
- Carburetor HD-34A
- 체인 브레이크
- 체인 텐셔너
- 케이스
- 실린더
- 점화 장치
- 기름 펌프
- 되감기 스타터
- Shroud
- Tank housing
- Throttle control
Stihl MS361 Bar and Chain Upgrade
If you’re like most Stihl MS 361 owners, you probably don’t think much about regularly maintaining your saw. 하지만, if you want your saw to continue running like new, it’s important to regularly clean and oil the bar and chain. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
- 첫 번째, make sure your saw is turned off and the chain is not moving.
- 다음, use a brush or rag to clean off any dirt, 부스러기, or sap that may be on the bar and chain.
- Once the bar and chain are clean, apply a few drops of oil to the bar.
- 드디어, use a rag to wipe off any excess oil.
By following these simple steps, you’ll help keep your Stihl MS 361 running like new.
대체 전기톱
1. 허스크바나 455 목장 경영자
This saw is ideal for both professional and amateur users alike, and it comes with a 20-inch guide bar that makes it perfect for felling large trees. 허스크바나 455 Rancher is also packed with features that make it easy to use, including an X-Torq engine that reduces fuel consumption and emissions, and an AutoTune system that automatically adjusts the engine to optimal performance.
2. 에코 CS-590 팀버 울프
The Echo CS-590 Timber Wolf is another great option for those in need of a powerful and durable chainsaw. This saw comes with a 20-inch guide bar and a 59.8cc two-stroke engine that delivers plenty of cutting power. It also features an automatic oiling system that keeps the chain lubricated, and a decompression valve that makes it easier to start.
3. EA4300F40B 참조
This saw only weighs 9.5 파운드, 시장에서 가장 가벼운 전기톱 중 하나입니다.. Despite its lightweight design, the Makita EA4300F40B is still a powerful saw, thanks to its 40cc four-stroke engine. It also features an automatic chain oiler and a tool-less chain tensioner, making it easy to keep the chain in good condition.
결론적으로, 스틸 MS 361 is a great product that has a lot of specifications to make it an excellent choice for those who are looking for a saw. It is available at a reasonable price, and has been tested and proven to be an effective tool.