스틸 MS 310 is a standard chainsaw model that has a lot of features to choose from. The specification list includes a wide range of features for the user, including a variable speed and an easy-to-read display. The chain saw can also be used as a trimmer, and it has a high-quality build. Wondering know more useful details about this chainsaw, you can go through this article and you will receive a lot.
스틸 MS 310: 이 전기톱에 대해 알아야 할 사항?
스틸 MS 310 chainsaw is a popular chainsaw that many people may be interested in. This chainsaw is designed for small jobs, and it has a number of features that make it a good choice for those who need to get the job done quickly.
One of the key things to keep in mind when using this chainsaw is its sensitivity. This means that you should be very careful when trying to cut through tough materials and avoid getting injured. 추가적으로, make sure to use the correct technique when using this chainsaw, as the blade can be quite sharp.
스틸 MS 310 검토
The Stihl MS310 is a powerful and versatile saw that is perfect for a variety of applications. It has a strong engine that provides plenty of power for even the most challenging tasks. The saw also has a wide range of features that make it versatile and easy to use. 스틸 MS 310 is a great choice for anyone who needs a powerful and versatile saw.
설계 및 시공
스틸 MS 310 is a well-made and efficient field machine that is popular among professional farmers. It has many features that make it an ideal choice for farmers who need a versatile machine that can handle a variety of tasks. The machine is built to last, with durable parts that help it work longer and harder.
To make the process of construction easier, Stihl has made the design and construction process simple and straightforward. This makes the construction process shorter and more efficient, making the end product more accurate and reliable.
Compared to conventional bars without Ematic, the Stihl Ematic system reduces the consumption of chain lubricant by up to 50 %, depending on the type of wood and the cutting attachment used. This system comprises a Stihl Ematic or Ematic S guide bar, a Stihl Oilomatic saw chain and a variable-flow or reduced-flow oil pump. 결과적으로, virtually every drop of chain lubricant is delivered to exactly the right spot.
When it comes to the technology of Stihl ms310, there are a few things that set it apart from other models in its class. 하나를 위해, MS 310 is equipped with an electric start system that makes starting the engine much easier than typical gasoline-powered machines.
추가적으로, this machine comes with a number of features that make it more user-friendly, such as an easily accessible display screen and a number of Programmable Tools which can be used for various tasks around the home.
절단 성능
When it comes to the cutting performance of the Stihl MS 310, there’s a lot to consider. MS 310 is a powerful saw that can handle a variety of different tasks, but it’s also important to think about the specific needs of your project before choosing a saw.
스틸 MS 310 is a mid-range saw that is versatile and powerful. It is capable of both felling small trees and cutting through large logs. This saw is also easy to handle, which makes it a good choice for those who are new to using a chainsaw.
- Carburettor heating (V). 체인톱을 여름에서 겨울 작동으로 변경하여, 흡입 공기는 엔진 핀을 통해 예열됩니다.. 이렇게 하면 기화기가 얼지 않고 영하의 온도에서 계속 작업할 수 있습니다..
- 제어 전달 오일 펌프. 다양한 바 길이, 목재 유형과 톱질 기술에는 서로 다른 양의 오일이 필요합니다.. 제어 전달 오일 펌프를 통해 사용자는 당면한 작업에 적합한 양의 오일을 선택할 수 있습니다..
- 측면 장착 체인 장력 조정. 측면에 장착된 체인 텐션으로 체인을 안전하게 텐션할 수 있습니다..
- Stihl anti-vibration system. Precisely calculated buffer zones minimise the transfer of engine and saw chain vibrations to the front and rear handles. The chainsaw therefore runs noticeably smoother. This allows the user to save their strength and work longer.
- 단일 레버 마스터 제어. All important functions such as start, 초크, throttle and stop are operated via a single lever.
- Tool free fuel caps. Special caps to open and close the tank cap quickly, easily and without tools.
보증 및 보증
스틸 MS 310 comes with a one-year warranty for personal use and a three-month warranty for commercial use. This ensures that you are returns with the machine in good condition and receive your money back. 추가적으로, Stihl offers a guarantee that their machines will be repaired or replaced if they are defective. If you experience any problems with your machine, simply contact the Stihl customer service department to get help resolving the issue.
스틸 MS 310 operator manual for the MS 310 전기톱. PDF download operator instructions on how to use and maintain the Stihl MS 310 (MS310) 전기톱. Clear and concise with easy to understand diagrams detailing the safety, operating, maintaining and storing of the chainsaw.
More information for the service and repair of the Stihl MS 310 chainsaw can be found in any service workshop manual, 부품 목록, carburetor manual and any technical notes available for PDF download or online viewing on this website. Also check out any questions and answers, articles or the full specifications pages for the MS 310 전기톱.
찬반 양론
- A powerful multi-use chainsaw
- Top features for comfort and ease of use
- Affordable
- There are better saws out there
- Can be a bit sluggish at times
고객 리뷰
The Stihl MS310 chain saw is a quality product that is sure to please those looking for a reliable chain saw. The saw is easy to use and is perfect for those who are looking for an affordable option.
One customer who reviewed the saw said that the chain felt smooth and that it was very easy to use. He added that the saw was powerful and that it was able to cut through even the toughest of materials.
Another customer who reviewed the saw said that the chain saw was easy to start and that it was able to handle even the toughest of cuts. He added that the saw was well worth the price and that he would definitely recommend it to others.
전반적인, 스틸 MS 310 chain saw is a quality product that is sure to please those looking for a reliable chain saw.
Stihl MS310 Specs
- 배수량: 59 cm³
- 전원 출력: 3,2/4,4 kW/마력
- 무게: 5,9 킬로그램
- 전력 대 중량 비율: 1,8 kg/kW
- 음압 레벨: 102,0 dB(ㅏ)
- Vibration levels left/right: 4,3/4,7 m/s²
- 톱 체인 피치: 3/8″
- Stihl Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형: 래피드 마이크로 (RM)
Below is the table picture of the specs of different 310 모델, and you can check it to know moreuseful information:
Stihl MS의 최고 가격은 얼마입니까 310 그리고 구매처?
스틸 MS 310 is a great chainsaw for anyone looking for a powerful and reliable saw. 그것은 priced at around $350, which is a great price for a saw of this caliber. You can purchase the Stihl MS 310 at most hardware stores or online retailers.
There are a few different ways that you can purchase the Stihl MS 310. You can either buy it online through the Stihl website, or you can find a local dealer in your area. 전기톱을 온라인으로 구매하려는 경우, you will need to create an account and log in. Once you are logged in, you will be able to add the chainsaw to your cart and checkout.
매뉴얼 및 운영
Are you looking for a manual for the Stihl MS 310 봤다? 그렇다면, we have just the guide for you. 이것 PDF document of this manual covers all of the basic operations and information necessary to get started with the saw. Whether you’re just starting out or have been using the saw for a while, this guide is a must-read.
부품 목록 및 다이어그램
- 실린더
- Engine housing
- Oil pump – Clutch
- Chain brake – Muffler
- 점화 장치
- Fan housing with rewind starter
- Handle housing
- Carburetor box cover-Air filter
- Carburetor HD-19B
- Carb. HD-18B-HD-21B (only USA)
바 및 체인 업그레이드
When it comes to upgrading the bar and chain on your Stihl MS 310, 명심해야 할 몇 가지 사항이 있습니다.
첫 번째, you’ll need to decide what size bar and chain you need. The size of the bar and chain will depend on the amount of cutting you plan on doing. If you plan on doing a lot of cutting, you’ll need a larger bar and chain.
초, you’ll need to decide on the type of bar and chain you need. There are two types of bar and chains available for the Stihl MS 310: standard and premium. The standard bar and chain is made for general use, while the premium bar and chain is made for more heavy-duty use.
대체 전기톱
What if you’re not looking for a new chainsaw? What if you’re looking for an alternative to the Stihl MS 310? 잘, there are a few other chainsaws out there that might be worth your consideration. Here are a few of the best Stihl MS 310 alternative chainsaws:
- 허스크바나 450
- 에코 CS-400
- EA4300F40B 참조
- Dolmar PS-420
- Tanaka TCS33EDTP/12
1분기: 스틸 MS인가요? 310 a professional-grade chainsaw?
스틸 MS 310 is considered a mid-range chainsaw and is suitable for both professional and occasional use. Its power and capabilities make it suitable for a range of tasks, 나무 벌채 포함, 사지, and cutting firewood.
2분기: Can the Stihl MS 310 be used for felling trees?
예, 스틸 MS 310 is powerful enough to handle tree felling. Its high torque and longer bar length make it efficient at cutting through larger trees.
3분기: Stihl MS는 310 come with a warranty?
예, 스틸 MS 310 comes with a warranty of up to 2 연령. Stihl offers a range of warranties and guarantees depending on the product and location.
4분기: What type of fuel should be used in the Stihl MS 310?
스틸 MS 310 is designed to run on gasoline mixed with two-stroke engine oil. The recommended fuel mix ratio for this chainsaw is 50:1 (petrol to oil). It is important to use high-quality gasoline with a low ethanol content to ensure optimal performance.
Q5: How often should the air filter be cleaned or replaced in the Stihl MS 310?
The frequency of cleaning or replacing the air filter in the Stihl MS 310 depends on the intensity of use and the amount of debris encountered during cutting. 하지만, as a general rule, it is recommended to clean the filter after every 5-10 시간 of use or more frequently in dusty conditions. The filter should be replaced at least once a year to maintain optimal performance.
스틸 MS 310 is a great saw for anyone looking for a powerful and durable chainsaw. It has many features that make it a great choice for both professionals and homeowners alike. With its high-powered engine and tough build, MS 310 is sure to get the job done right.