스틸 MS 251 vs 허스크바나 445 (2022 비교, Which One Is the Best?)

스틸 MS 251 vs 허스크바나 445: We all know that a chainsaw is one of the most important tools in an arborist’s arsenal. This article will help you to decide which is better for you, 그만큼 스틸 MS 251 또는 Husqvarna 445. While both of these machines are excellent, there are a few key differences that make choosing which to purchase a little more difficult.

허스크바나 445 전기톱

허스크바나 445 chainsaw chain is a high-quality chainsaw chain that is designed for use with Husqvarna petrol-powered Chainsaws. It has a metal construction and is made from hardened steel. The Stihl MS chainsaw chain, 반면에, is a lower-quality chainsaw chain that is designed for use with Stihl petrol-powered Chainsaws. It has a plastic construction and is made from low-grade steel.

One of the main differences between these chains is the quality of the metal. 허스크바나 445 chainsaw chain is made from hardened steel, which makes it more durable than the Stihl MS chainsaw chain. 추가적으로, 허스크바나 445 chainsaw chain has a longer life expectancy than the Stihl MS chainsaw chain.

스틸 251 전기톱

더 스틸 251 chainsaw is a great entry level saw for any homeowner or small business owner. It’s an affordable and lightweight saw that can be used to cut through branches and other materials.

그만큼 251 comes with many features, including a two-stroke engine and fuel injection system, that allow it to run at high speeds without being too noisy. The engine also has an oiling system that helps keep it running smoothly.

This saw is easy to use even if you’ve never used a chainsaw before and it comes with a safety chain and guard to protect you from harm. The chain itself is also strong enough to cut through wood without breaking.

Differences between Stihl ms 251 and husqvarna 445

스틸 ms 251 is a powerful and versatile multitool that can be used for a variety of tasks, 나무를 자르는 것과 같은, trimming branches, and cutting metal. 허스크바나 445 is a less powerful tool that is designed for general work around the home. The two tools have several differences that should be considered before purchasing them.

The two most popular chainsaw models on the market are Husqvarna 445 스틸 MS. Both chainsaws have their pros and cons, but which one is the right fit for you? 알아보려면 계속 읽어보세요! 첫 번째, let’s take a look at the main features of both chainsaws. 허스크바나 445: Has a 4-stroke engine that is fuel efficient and produces plenty of power. This chain saw is great for larger trees and longer cuts. Has an ergonomic design that makes it comfortable to use. Has a quick chain change system so you can quickly get back to work.

가장 먼저, let’s talk about the price. The Stihl MS chainsaw is considerably more expensive than the Husqvarna chainsaw. On average, the Stihl MS chainsaw costs around $400 more than the Husqvarna chainsaw. 하지만, there are a few exceptions to this rule. 예를 들어, the Stihl MS chainsaw is available in both a standard model and an upgraded version that features a longer chain and higher power. The upgraded version of the Stihl MS chainsaw typically costs around $500 more than the standard model. 그래서, if you’re looking for an affordable chainsaw that can handle most tasks, the Stihl MS chainsaw might be good.

Similarities between Stihl ms 251 and husqvarna 445

스틸 ms 251 그리고 허스크바나 445 are two popular chainsaws that are available on the market. They have a lot of similarities, but there are also some key differences between them. One of the key differences between these chainsaws is the engine. 스틸 ms 251 features a big engine that produces a lot of power, 반면 허스크바나 445 features a smaller engine that provides more torque. 스틸 ms 251 also has a much larger cutting width than the Husqvarna 445. This means that it can handle larger trees better than the Husqvarna 445.

허스크바나 445 is a gas-powered chainsaw that has a powerful engine and lots of features. It’s a great chainsaw for homeowners who want to do some basic tasks, such as cutting down trees or removing small branches. 하지만, Stihl MS is a much better chainsaw for serious woodworkers and homeowners who need to do more extensive work, like cutting through heavy timber or removing large branches.

스틸 MS 251 vs 허스크바나 445, 구매하는 것이 더 좋습니다?

스틸 MS 251 model has a number of features that are not available on the Husqvarna 445 모델, such as a barometric pressure gauge and a fuel indicator light.If you want a chainsaw that offers all of the benefits of the Stihl MS 251 model without any of the drawbacks, then the Husqvarna 445 model would be a better option for you. 하지만, if you just want a cheap chainsaw that offers decent performance, 그런 다음 Stihl MS 251.

Pros and Cons of Husqvarna 445

  • 허스크바나 445 has a powerful engine that can handle most tasks easily.
  • The chain is very durable, which makes it suitable for use in tough conditions.
  • This chainsaw comes with a lot of features, including an oil bath cylinder and a detachable bar guide.
  • It’s also very easy to handle, even for beginners.

단점: 허스크바나 445 is not as efficient as the Stihl MS when it comes to cutting through dense timber. It can be difficult to adjust the chain tension, which can lead to problems when working in difficult conditions.

Pros and Cons of Stihl ms 251

When it comes to lawn mowers, there are a few machines that tend to stand out above the rest. One of these machines is the Stihl ms 251. This machine has a lot of benefits, but it also has a few drawbacks. If you’re looking to buy a lawn mower, it’s important to know what these are. 스틸 ms 251 is a gas-powered machine that features a mulching system. This means that it will cut the grass into small pieces and Then will collect these pieces and discharge them through the rear deck. This helps to reduce the amount of time that you need to spend on the cutting process, as well as the amount of effort that you need to put in.

Another benefit of the Stihl ms251 is its speed. This machine is capable of reaching speeds of up to 25 mph, which means that it can quickly move through thick lawns. 추가적으로, its cutting capacity is also very high. 사실로, it is able to cut through most types of grass without issue. 하지만, there are some drawbacks associated with the Stihl ms251.

Frequently asked questions

Which Stihl MS chainsaw is the best? There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a chainsaw, but one of the most important factors is the quality of the chain. Husqvarna chainsaws are known for their high-quality chains and they offer a variety of different chains for different applications. Their standard chainsaw chain is often used for forestry, 벌목, and other general cutting tasks.

If you need a chain that can handle tougher cuts, Husqvarna has a range of specialty chains that are specifically designed for these types of uses. Stihl also makes a range of chains for different applications, but they are not as specialized as Husqvarna’s chains. Their standard chain is often used in residential and small commercial applications.

If you need something more robust, Stihl has a range of specialty chains that are perfect for this type of use. 전반적인, whichever chainsaw you choose, make sure you get one with a quality chain. This will ensure that your saw is able to handle the tough cuts that you need it to.

Stihl MS chainsaws are generally considered to be of higher quality than Husqvarna chainsaws. They are made from stronger materials, and they often have features that make them easier to use, such as a chain tensioner.

Husqvarna chainsaws are also powerful, and they can handle difficult cuts well. 하지만, Stihl MS chainsaws can be more expensive than Husqvarna chainsaws, and they may require some maintenance care. It depends on your needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a high-quality chainsaw that will last long, Stihl MS chainsaws are a good option.


When it comes to choosing an electric chainsaw, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider. 하지만, one of the most important things to look for is the engine power – this will determine how quickly and easily you can cut through wood. We have compared the Stihl MS 251 그리고 허스크바나 445 chainsaws in terms of engine power and cutting performance.