스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비: If you’re in the market for a new professional chainsaw, you may be considering the MS 250 그리고 MS 251 C-BE from STIHL. Both are solid choices, but there are some fundamental differences between them.
상세 비교
MS 250 | MS 251 씨비 | |
기술 사양 | MS 250 | MS 251 씨비 |
변위 cm³ | 45,4 | 45,6 |
전원 출력kW/bhp | 2,3/3,1 | 2,2/3 |
무게 kg | 4,6 1) | 5,1 1) |
전력 대 중량 비율 kg/kW | 2 | 2,4 |
음압 레벨 dB(ㅏ) | 99 2) | 103 2) |
STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형 | 마이크로 피크 3 (PM3) | 래피드 마이크로 (RM) |
사운드 파워 레벨 dB(ㅏ) | 111 3) | 114 3) |
진동 레벨 좌/우 m/s² | 5,7/6,8 4) | 3,9/3,9 4) |
톱 체인 피치 | 3/8"피 | .325″ |
스틸 MS 250
그만큼 스틸 MS 250 is a compact and lightweight workhorse with easy-to-use features that make it a favorite among homeowners and professionals alike.
It has an aggressive cutting performance, user-friendly controls and an excellent power-to-weight ratio. It comes standard with an anti-vibration system that minimizes fatigue when working long hours and includes a compressor-activated purge pump to help ensure quick starts in all weather conditions.
스틸 MS 251 씨비
MS 251 C-BE provides all of these features plus an additional feature: 퀵 체인 어저스터 (QCA).
This allows for fast and easy chain tensioning without the use of tools so you can get back to work faster. The QCA also helps prevent over tightening of the chain which can damage it or cause injury if not done properly by hand.
STIHL MS 251 C-BE is a performance-enhanced version of the MS 250 전기톱. MS 251 C-BE has the same power and weight as the MS 250, but features reduced-emission engine technology and additional “Comfort” features, making this model easier than ever to use. STIHL Incorporated created the gas-powered MS 251 C-BE to be their best homeowner chainsaw yet. It is designed with homeowners in mind, featuring a variety of Comfort features and reduced-emission engine technology that make it easier on your wallet and the environment. 이것 best Stihl ms chainsaw is also ideal for firewood cutting and storm cleanup.
MS 251 C-BE has all of the same Performance features as its predecessor, MS 250 전기톱, including an adjustable oiler, 퀵 체인 어저스터 (비), anti-vibration system and side access chain tensioner. Its innovative IntelliCarb™ compensating carburetor automatically adjusts itself to maintain the correct RPMs when cutting through different thicknesses of wood or in changing weather conditions. The STIHL Easy2Start™ system makes starting STIHL outdoor power tools almost effortless, 시동 코드를 강하게 당길 필요가 없습니다..
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|엔진 변위
MS 251 C-BE engine displacement is 50.2 cc compared to the MS 250’s 45.4 참조. This means that the cutting power of the MS 251 C-BE is higher than that of the MS 250, making it a better choice for heavy-duty tasks like cutting down large trees or felling multiple trees at once.
MS 250 가지고있다 3.0 bhp engine and the MS 251 C-BE는 3.9 BHP 엔진. This means the MS 251 C-BE is going to be able to do some heavier cutting than the MS 250. It can also cut through larger pieces of wood without getting bogged down. MS 251 C-BE has a 18″ bar and chain while the MS 250 comes with a 16″ bar and chain. This allows you to take on bigger jobs with the 251 모델.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|전원 출력
STIHL MS 250 has an output power of 2.2 kW. STIHL MS 251 C-BE has an increased output power of 2.4 kW. This added power makes the STIHL MS 251 C-BE more effective for cutting through larger or tougher materials like firewood.
MS 250 is a high performance saw with all the features of a professional model, including an excellent power-to-weight ratio and STIHL’s long-life air filtration system. It is light enough to carry for long periods and powerful enough to take on larger jobs. MS 251 C-BE is also a high performance saw but with the added benefit of Easy2Start technology, which makes starting significantly easier. This makes it ideal for beginners or those who struggle with starting traditional chain saws.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|무게
In terms of weight, STIHL MS 250 무게 10 파운드, STIHL MS 251 C-BE의 무게 10.8 파운드 (0.8 pounds heavier). The small difference in weight is due to the fact that the STIHL MS 251 C-BE has a QuickStop® chain brake and Chain Quick Tensioning (비) 체계.
STIHL MS 250 features an ErgoStart system to make this tool easy to start and easy to use. MS 251 C-BE has Easy2Start™ technology and a new starting grip with integrated decompression valve. STIHL chainsaws are so well-engineered that you can accomplish any tree felling or logging task, from pruning limbs around your home to cutting firewood for the winter.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|전력 대 중량 비율
STIHL MS 250 is a reliable workhorse for general-purpose homeowner applications like clearing brush or small trees. It has a power-to-weight ratio that’s well suited to jobs that require long periods of cutting without fatigue. Its maneuverability also makes it a good choice for jobs such as pruning, felling small trees and cutting firewood.
스틸 MS 250 CHAINSAW has been around for many years. It’s well-known for its high power-to-weight ratio and excellent cutting performance. If you’re looking for a lightweight, easy-to-handle saw for some light pruning or cutting firewood, this is it. 스틸 MS 251 C-BE CHAINSAW is new to the market, released in 2016. It has all the same features as the MS 250, plus some extras that might work better for your needs if you’re doing more than just light work once in a while. This saw also has an environmentally responsible design, with an engine that uses up to 20% less fuel than comparable models.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|음압 레벨
음압 레벨 (SPL) is measured in decibels, with lower numbers indicating a quieter, softer sound. The “A” in STIHL stands for “Attenuator,” which is the device that divides the music into different frequencies, turning the violin into different pitches. The “C” in C-BE stands for “Compressor,” and it’s used to control the overall loudness of an instrument by controlling how much of the high or low end frequencies are being amplified.
MS 250 has the standard sound pressure level of 210 dB, 동안 MS 251 C-BE의 음압 레벨은 230 dB. As the sound pressure level you can listen to at home depends on things like where you live and how close to the source of the noise you are. As such, it’s preferable to look at it in terms of decibels per second rather than in absolute numbers (which don’t work very well).
There are certain categories of noise produced by the engine assembly, which are called Sound Pressure Levels (SPL). The higher-end MS 250 그리고 MS 251 C-BE products have an integrated sound system that is optimized for each particular application. It’s also worth mentioning that the sound system of a machine is not just limited to the noise produced on the exhaust side. A modern silencer can produce noise in all directions, including upwards, in order to prevent any irritability from being caused by noise generated from other sources.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|진동 레벨 좌/우
STIHL MS 251 C-BE has significantly lower vibration levels at the front handle and the rear handle than the MS 250. This makes working with this chainsaw much more comfortable. STIHL MS 250 has a low vibration level of 5.0m/s² when idling, but it increases to 6.3m/s² when cutting wood, which is a bit high for a professional chainsaw.
The anti-vibration system in both models helps minimize fatigue while working and they both have a master control lever that helps prevent accidental operation of the saw when it is in use.
The Stihl MS251 C-BE Chainsaw is a professional grade saw that is comfortable and easy to use. It has high torque over a wide RPM range which means it can get the job done faster and with less vibration. MS 251 C-BE has a low exhaust emission engine, this makes it environmentally friendly and also has less fuel consumption which means it costs less money to run. This chainsaw features an advanced anti-vibration system to reduce operator fatigue and make cutting more comfortable for longer periods of time without resting or having sore hands from holding onto the saw all day long.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|톱 체인 피치
MS 250 comes with a .325″ saw chain, 동안 MS 251 C-BE comes with a .404″ saw chain. Pitch is the size of the chain, and is defined as “The distance between any three consecutive rivets divided by two”. 예를 들어, on a .325″ pitch chain, three rivets are 1.575″ apart (1/2 엑스 3 = 1.575). For more information on saw chain pitch and gauge, check out our blog post here.
Both chainsaws feature a long-life air filter system with pre-separation, which provides better engine protection and longer cleaning intervals. 드디어, they both utilize bar lengths of up to 28 신장 (72 센티미터) and can handle pitches up to 3/8 인치.
스틸 MS 250 대 MS 251 씨비|어느 것이 더 나은가
STIHL is a brand known for its quality outdoor power tools. The company’s chainsaws span a range of designs and uses, from electric saws best suited to light-duty jobs like trimming small trees and shrubs to gasoline-powered saws designed for felling large trees. Two of the most popular STIHL chainsaws are the MS 250 그리고 MS 251 씨비.
Each has features that may appeal to different users, but both come with the same warranty. MS 250 has an inertia-type chain brake, an automatic oiler that allows you to regulate the amount of oil being used for lubrication, an automated deceleration feature that slows the chain when you release the throttle, and an anti-vibration system that reduces vibration from the engine to improve comfort during long jobs.
스틸 MS 251 C-BE has advanced engine technology and a value-added chainsaw package. It is perfect for felling small trees, 가지치기 및 솎아내기, 장작을 간단하고 효율적으로 절단. It includes the STIHL Quickstop® inertia chain brake, which is designed to stop the rotation of the chain if activated by the operator’s hand or by inertia if the saw kicks back with sufficient force. MS 251 also features a pre-separation air filtration system—extending the cleaning life of the air filter so you have less maintenance. 추가적으로, it features an adjustable automatic STIHL Ematic™ chain lubrication system that reduces bar oil consumption up to 50% when compared to conventional automatic lubrication systems and reduces your need to refuel as often.
If you’re looking for an affordable, basic chainsaw to do some light work around your property, 그런 다음 MS 250 may be your best bet. 하지만, if you’re looking for a more professional, advanced chainsaw to help you with bigger projects, 그런 다음 MS 251 C-BE may be better suited for you (and it’ll cost you).