스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비: 어떤 전기톱을 사야 할까요??

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비: STIHL MS 230 그리고 MS 230 C-BE are both great chainsaws for anyone looking for a powerful and reliable saw. 하지만, there are some key differences between the two models that you should be aware of before making your purchase.

상세 비교

기술 사양
변위 cm³ 45,4 45,4
전력 출력 kW/bhp 2/2,7 2/2,7
무게 kg 4,6 1) 4,9 1)
전력 대 중량 비율 kg/kW 2,3 2,5
음압 레벨 dB(ㅏ) 101 2) 101 2)
사운드 파워 레벨 dB(ㅏ) 111 3) 111 3)
진동 레벨 좌/우 m/s² 6,4/7 4) 5/6 4)
톱 체인 피치 3/8"피 3/8"피
STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형 마이크로 피크 3 (PM3) 마이크로 피크 3 (PM3)

스틸 MS 230

STIHL MS 230 chainsaw is a high-performance saw that is perfect for a variety of tasks, 나무 벌채 포함, 장작 자르기, and pruning. This saw is also lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it a great choice for anyone who wants a powerful yet portable chainsaw.

스틸 MS 230 씨비

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비

STIHL MS 230 C-BE is a great replacement for the old MS 230. MS 230 C-BE is an updated version of the original saw and comes with many new features that make it a more versatile saw. MS 230 C-BE comes with the STIHL Easy2Start system. This is an electronic starting system that makes starting the chainsaw much easier than older models.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|엔진 변위

STIHL MS 230 가지고있다 45.6 cc 엔진과 STIHL MS 230 C-BE는 40.2 cc engine which is smaller and more fuel efficient. The engine displacement refers to how much air and fuel can be drawn into a cylinder during each cycle, which means it will affect how fast your engine runs.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|전원 출력

STIHL MS 230 그리고 MS 230 C-BE are both great choices for anyone in need of a powerful and reliable chainsaw. But how do these two models compare in terms of power output?

MS 230 의 전력 출력을 가지고 있습니다 1.5 kW, 동안 MS 230 C-BE has a power output of 1.7 kW. 그래서, MS 230 C-BE is slightly more powerful than the MS 230. 하지만, both models are more than capable of handling most jobs around the home or farm.

If you need a powerful and reliable chainsaw for general use, either the STIHL MS 230 또는 석사 230 C-BE would be a great choice.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|무게

STIHL MS 230 무게 4.6 kg without fuel or bar oil, and it uses a 50:1 ratio of high-grade gasoline to engine oil. 스틸 MS 230 C-BE의 무게 4.9 킬로그램.

MS 230 is a lighter saw than the MS 230 씨비, making it easier to maneuver and handle. 또한 무게 대비 출력 비율이 더 높습니다., meaning that it can cut through tougher materials more easily.

MS 230 씨비, 반면에, is a bit heavier and has a lower power-to-weight ratio. 하지만, it does have a few features that the MS 230 doesn’t, including a built-in chain tensioner and an electronic chain brake.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|전력 대 중량 비율

STIHL MS 230 그리고 MS 230 C-BE have different power-to-weight ratios, meaning that they have different amounts of power based on their size and weight.

스틸 MS 230 C-BE has a better power-to-weight ratio, ~에 2.3 kilograms/kW compared to 2.5 kilograms/kW for the MS 230 모델.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|음압 레벨

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|사운드 파워 레벨

STIHL MS 230 C-BE chainsaw is one of the quietest saws on the market. It has a sound power level of just 85 dB, which is significantly lower than most other saws. This makes it ideal for use in noise-sensitive areas, such as hospitals or schools. 게다가, the saw is also very light and easy to use, making it perfect for those who are not experienced in using power tools.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|진동 레벨 좌/우

STIHL MS 230 chainsaw is a great choice for anyone looking for a powerful and durable chainsaw. 하지만, one thing to keep in mind when using this chainsaw is the vibration level.

MS 230 chainsaw produces a significant amount of vibration, which can cause fatigue and discomfort after extended use. It is important to take breaks often when using this chainsaw, and to wear gloves and other protective gear to minimize the risk of vibration-related injuries.

Despite the high vibration level, STIHL MS 230 chainsaw is a reliable and effective tool that can tackle a variety of tasks. If you are looking for a powerful chainsaw for heavy-duty work, STIHL MS 230 훌륭한 옵션입니다.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|톱 체인 피치

One of the most important aspects of choosing the right saw chain is its pitch. The pitch of a saw chain is the distance between any three consecutive rivets divided by two. (다시 말해, the pitch is half the distance between adjacent rivets.) The most common pitches used on today’s saws are 3/8″ and .404″.

The 3/8″ pitch saw chain is the most popular pitch used on today’s saws. It is a versatile pitch that can be used for a variety of applications, from cutting firewood to felling trees. The .404″ pitch saw chain is designed for more heavy-duty cutting applications, such as felling large trees and cutting through thick brush.

If you’re not sure which pitch saw chain is right for your saw, consult your saw’s owner’s manual or contact your local STIHL dealer.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형

STIHL MS 230 chainsaw is a great saw for anyone who needs a powerful and reliable saw for cutting wood. It is a professional-grade saw that is built to last. STIHL MS 230 chainsaw comes with an Oilomatic saw chain as standard equipment.

This saw chain is designed specifically for the STIHL MS 230 chainsaw and is the only chain that should be used on this saw. The STIHL Oilomatic saw chain is a high-quality, low-kickback saw chain that is ideal for use on the STIHL MS 230 전기톱. This saw chain has been tested and proven to be safe and effective for use on this saw.

스틸 MS 230 대 MS 230 씨비|어떤게 더 좋아

전기톱을 고를 때, 고려해야 할 많은 요소가 있습니다. But if you’re looking for a saw that’s powerful and easy to use, 그런 다음 STIHL MS 230 그리고 MS 230 C-BE는 둘 다 훌륭한 옵션입니다..

MS 230 is a light saw that’s easy to handle, and it has a low kickback chain for added safety. It’s a great choice for anyone who wants a powerful saw but doesn’t want to deal with the weight and bulk of a larger saw.

MS 230 C-BE is a bit heavier than the MS 230, but it’s still easy to use. It has a chain brake and an electronic chain tensioner, which make it even safer and easier to use. It’s a great choice for anyone who wants a powerful saw but doesn’t want to deal with the weight and bulk of a larger saw.

If you need a powerful and reliable chainsaw that’s easy to handle, STIHL MS 230 훌륭한 선택입니다. 하지만, if you’re looking for a saw with a few extra features, STIHL MS 230 C-BE is a better option.