스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230: 최고의 Stihl 전기 톱은 무엇입니까?

There are a lot of different factors to consider when choosing between the STIHL MS 210 그리고 MS 230 전기톱. Both saws have their own unique features and benefits that make them stand out from the crowd. 하지만, when it comes down to it, Which is the 최고의 스틸 전기톱?

스틸 MS 210

STIHL MS 210 is a great entry-level saw for anyone looking to tackle small to medium-sized projects around the home. It’s a lightweight saw that is easy to handle, and it comes with plenty of features that make it ideal for a wide range of applications.

One of the most impressive things about the STIHL MS 210 is its ability to start quickly and easily. This is thanks to the inclusion of STIHL’s Easy2Start technology, which makes it easy to get the saw started with just a few simple pulls. Another great feature of the STIHL MS 210 저공해 엔진이다.. This means that you can use the saw without having to worry about harming the environment.

STIHL MS 210 is a great saw for anyone who wants an entry-level saw that is easy to use and comes with plenty of features. If you’re looking for a saw that can handle small to medium-sized projects, 그런 다음 STIHL MS 210 훌륭한 옵션입니다.

스틸 MS 230

STIHL MS 230 is a versatile and powerful chainsaw that is perfect for a variety of applications. It is a great choice for sawing firewood, 벌채 나무, or cutting through thick brush. MS 230 is also a great saw for occasional use around the home, such as trimming branches or cutting up fallen trees.

MS 230 is powered by a strong and reliable two-stroke engine, and it has a purge pump for easy starting. The saw also features an anti-vibration system to reduce operator fatigue. MS 230 is a lightweight saw that is easy to maneuver, 그리고 운반이 용이한 운반 케이스가 함께 제공됩니다..

STIHL MS 230 is a great choice for anyone who needs a versatile and powerful chainsaw. It is perfect for a variety of applications, and it is a great saw for occasional use around the home.

스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230: 차이점은 무엇입니까?

스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230: 차이점은 무엇입니까?

엔진 변위

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right STIHL chainsaw for your needs. One important factor is engine displacement, which is the volume of air and fuel mixture an engine can cycle through in a single stroke. MS 210 그리고 MS 230 both have engine displacements of 35.2 참조.

이는 MS가 210 그리고 MS 230 are very similar in terms of engine power. Both saws will be able to handle most cutting tasks with ease. If you’re looking for a little extra power, MS 230 may be the better choice. But if you’re looking to save a little money, MS 210 훌륭한 옵션입니다.

스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230

전원 출력

전원 출력에 관해서, STIHL MS 210 그리고 MS 230 are pretty evenly matched. Both saws have a max power output of 1.5 마력. 하지만, MS 210 더 높은 중량 대비 출력 비율을 가지고 있습니다., meaning it’s a bit more powerful for its size. If you’re looking for a saw with a bit more oomph, MS 210 가야할 길이다.


STIHL MS 210 그리고 MS 230 chainsaws are similar in many ways. Both are lightweight and easy to maneuver, making them great choices for homeowners and occasional users. But there are some key differences between these two models that you should be aware of before making your purchase.

MS 210 is the lighter chainsaw of the two, weighing in at just over 10 파운드. It is also slightly shorter than the MS 230, with a bar length of 16 신장. MS 230 조금 더 무겁다, weighing in at just under 11 파운드. It has a bar length of 18 신장.

전력 대 중량 비율

STIHL MS 210 그리고 MS 230 both have a power-to-weight ratio that makes them ideal for cutting through tough materials. But which one is better?

MS 210 has a higher power-to-weight ratio than the MS 230, making it better for cutting through tough materials. It also has a higher top speed, making it better for quickly cutting through large branches. MS 230 has a lower power-to-weight ratio than the MS 210, making it better for cutting through lighter materials. It also has a lower top speed, making it better for making precise cuts.

음압 레벨

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a chainsaw is the sound pressure level. MS 210 의 음압 레벨을 갖는다 97 dB, 동안 MS 230 의 음압 레벨을 갖는다 103 dB. 이는 MS가 230 is significantly louder than the MS 210 and is more likely to cause hearing damage if used without ear protection.

스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230

사운드 파워 레벨

Let’s compare the two saws and see which one comes out on top in terms of sound power level.

스틸 MS 210 의 사운드 파워 레벨을 가지고 있습니다. 98 dB, Stihl MS는 230 의 사운드 파워 레벨을 가지고 있습니다. 103 dB. 그래서, MS 230 is slightly louder than the MS 210. 하지만, both saws are still relatively quiet compared to other chainsaws on the market.

진동 레벨 좌/우

STIHL MS 210 그리고 MS 230 both have low vibration levels, 하지만 MS 210 has a slight advantage over the MS 230. MS 210 의 진동 수준을 갖는다 2.5 m/s2, 동안 MS 230 의 진동 수준을 갖는다 3.0 m/s2. 이는 MS가 210 will cause less vibration in your hands and arms than the MS 230.

톱 체인 피치

STIHL MS 210 범용으로 사용하기에 좋은 톱입니다.. It has a 16″ bar and a 3/8″ pitch chain. This saw is also equipped with an easy start system, which makes it easier to get the saw started. MS 210 also has an automatic oiler, 체인 윤활 및 원활한 작동을 유지합니다..

STIHL MS 230 is a step up from the MS 210. It has a 18″ bar and a 3/8″ pitch chain. This saw also has an easy start system, as well as an automatic oiler. MS 230 is a great choice for more demanding applications. It has more power and is better suited for heavy-duty use.

STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형

STIHL MS 210 그리고 MS 230 chainsaws are very similar in terms of design and function. Both saws are equipped with the STIHL Oilomatic saw chain, which is a self-lubricating chain that requires little maintenance.

If you are looking for a powerful and durable chainsaw that is easy to maintain, then either the STIHL MS 210 아니면 MS 230 would be a great choice.

스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230|어떤게 더 좋아?

STIHL MS 210 is a light-duty chainsaw that is perfect for occasional use around the home. It is relatively lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it a great choice for those who are not experienced with using a chainsaw. MS 210 also features a tool-less chain tensioning system, which makes it quick and easy to adjust the tension on the chain.

STIHL MS 230 is a mid-range chainsaw that is a good choice for those who need a bit more power than what the MS 210 제안. It is still relatively lightweight and easy to maneuver, but it has a more powerful engine that can handle more challenging cuts. MS 230 also has a tool-less chain tensioning system, making it just as easy to adjust the tension on the chain as the MS 210.

그래서, which chainsaw is the better option for you? If you need a light-duty chainsaw for occasional use around the home, STIHL MS 210 훌륭한 선택입니다. If you need a bit more power for more challenging cuts, STIHL MS 230 더 나은 옵션입니다.

스틸 MS 210 대 MS 230