스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231 : 차이점이 뭐야

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231: Both models come with a safety chain brake which stops the blade from spinning if something gets caught up in your line or if something jams in the engine housing. Both models also feature an anti-vibration system which reduces vibrations when operating.

상세 비교

기술 사양 MS 180 MS 231
변위 cm³ 31,8 42,6
전원 출력kW/bhp 1,4/1,9 2/2,7
무게 kg 4,1 1) 4,8 1)
전력 대 중량 비율 kg/kW 3 2,4
음압 레벨 dB(ㅏ) 100 2) 103 2)
사운드 파워 레벨 dB(ㅏ) 112 3) 114 3)
진동 레벨 좌/우 m/s² 6,6/7,8 4) 3,9/3,9 4)
톱 체인 피치 3/8"피 3/8"피
STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형 PMM3 마이크로 피크 3 (PM3)

스틸 MS 180

MS 180 is the best chainsaw designed for smaller jobs around the home. It has a 16″ bar and chain which makes it easier to control than larger gas-powered saws. MS 180 also has an automatic oiling system which helps keep it running smoothly even if you forget to add oil every few hours.

It is a petrol-powered chain saw that has been designed specifically for domestic use. It has a 690cc engine that produces up to 12.9bhp, which allows it to cut through most types of tree trunks with ease. The engine also uses a soft start system that helps reduce kickback when starting up the chainsaw.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231

This means that it is much safer than other chainsaws on the market today. In addition to its unique features, STIHL MS 180 is also lightweight at just 9kg in weight, making it easy to carry around the garden or farm if necessary. The tool-free chain tensioner means that you can adjust your chain quickly and easily when necessary too, which makes maintenance simple and hassle-free.

스틸 MS 231

MS 231 has a 22cc engine while the MS 180 has an 18cc engine; this makes them both very powerful saws that can cut through any tree you need to cut down. MS 231 무게 9 pounds more than the MS 180 (15 대 24 파운드). The reason for this is that it runs on gas and requires additional parts that add weight to it. 하지만, this is not a big issue as most homeowners do not expect their chainsaws to be lightweight.

Both saws have a 16-inch bar length which makes it easy to cut through trees and branches faster than other models with shorter bars (which usually come with smaller engines). Both saws come with two different types of chains: a standard chain and a low kickback chain which reduces kickback from your cuts by 20%.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|엔진 변위

Engine displacement is a measurement of how much air and fuel the engine can burn in one complete cycle. More displacement means more power, but also a larger and heavier saw. MS 180 has a smaller engine with a two-stroke 50 CC 변위.

It weighs about 9 파운드, which is light enough to be used with one hand if needed. MS 231 가지고있다 2.6 HP engine and weighs about 11 pounds—a small difference that can make handling more challenging over long periods of time. 두 톱 모두 3/8 inch chain pitch and 0.43-inch gauge. They both hold up to 11 ounces of fuel at one time; 하지만, fuel consumption varies due to different engine sizes.

The engine displacement for the STIHL MS 180 ~이다 31 입방 센티미터 (참조), which is slightly smaller than that of the STIHL MS 231, which has an engine displacement of 50 참조.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|전원 출력

MS 180 is a gas-powered saw, 동안 MS 231 is an electric one. STIHL MS 180 has a 16-inch bar and chain and weighs 11 파운드. It’s powered by a 2-cycle engine with a power output of 0.75 kW (1 HP) ~에 3700 rpm.

The larger engine in the 231 offers greater power output than the 180, but it also makes it heavier. Both of these models are designed for homeowners who need a saw that can handle a variety of tasks around their property, 벌목부터 장작 베기까지.

MS 180 has an engine with a displacement of 0.9 리터, 동안 MS 231 has an engine with a displacement of 1.3 리터. The larger engine in the 231 offers greater power output than the 180, but it also makes it heavier.

스틸 MS 180 has an output of 2.1 kW (주위에 3 HP), while MS 231 has an output of 1.9 kW (주위에 2.5 HP). This means that they both have enough power to cut through most tree limbs and stumps, but they might struggle with some larger logs or trunks if they aren’t sharpened properly before use.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|무게

MS 180 무게 10 파운드, 동안 MS 231 무게 11 파운드. While one extra pound may not seem like a big deal, if you’re going to be using your saw for extended periods of time, it can really make a difference in how fatigued and sore your body is at the end of each day. STIHL MS 180 features a 16-inch guide bar and 3/8″ PS3 saw chain, STIHL MS 231 comes with a 16-inch guide bar.

The fuel capacity for the STIHL MS 180 ~이다 12.5 액량 온스, compared to 13.5 fluid ounces for the STIHL MS 231. Fuel capacity is important when using equipment like a chainsaw, especially if you will be using it for longer projects or in places where you might not have immediate access to a gas station or other source of fuel.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|전력 대 중량 비율

Both are chainsaws, but they’re very different in size and weight. MS 180 has a power-to-weight ratio that makes it a very portable tool. It’s light and compact, but it also packs a punch with its powerful engine. MS 231 has a much higher weight than the MS 180 with its larger engine, but it can still be used for many jobs around the yard or even on larger trees if you have enough fuel to keep going.

This is one of the most important things to consider when choosing your chainsaw. If you want something that’s easy to carry around and not too heavy then go for the STIHL MS 180 as it weighs just over 10 파운드 (4.5 킬로그램). This means that it’s easy to carry around when you’re working on jobs like clearing up fallen branches or cleaning up around trees without damaging them too much (although always make sure there are no nails in any wood or metal pieces before cutting them up).

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|음압 레벨

스틸 MS 180 그리고 MS 231 are two of the most popular chainsaws in their range. Both are great, but there are a few differences between them that you should be aware of before making a purchase. In this article we will look at the main differences between these two models so that you can make an informed decision about which one is better suited to your needs: Sound pressure level – The MS 180 의 음압 레벨을 갖는다 86 dB(ㅏ), which is quieter than the MS 231’s 91 dB(ㅏ). This means that it won’t be as intrusive when you’re using it in your backyard or working around town.

STIHL MS 180 is a very popular chainsaw that’s available in both Oregon and Oregon 2-cycle models. MS 180 is designed for light to medium-duty cutting, so it’s a great choice for homeowners and land owners. STIHL MS 231 is also a very popular chainsaw that’s available in both Oregon and Oregon 2-cycle models. MS 231 has a more powerful motor than the MS 180 which makes it slightly heavier but well suited for heavy-duty applications such as firewood processing or other commercial jobs.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|사운드 파워 레벨

STIHL MS 231 chainsaw offers a significant increase in power over the previous model and many new features, including the ErgoStart system. This saw is designed for those who want to get all the features of a professional chainsaw, including lower fuel consumption and a variety of safety features, but don’t need all the extra power.

Compared to the MS 180 씨비, it has an Easy2Start system that eliminates the effort required to pull a cord to start the engine. It also has a smaller fuel tank than its predecessor, which makes it more compact, and it is significantly lighter at only 9.1 pounds with an 18-inch bar. MS 231 also has a compact design that makes it more maneuverable and better balanced than previous models. With its lighter weight and the easier starting system, this saw is ideal for homeowners who want the convenience of a gas chainsaw without sacrificing power or having to lug around something heavy.

The air filter cover of the MS 180 is translucent so you can see when it needs to be cleaned without having to open it up. On the Stihl MS 231, a quick chain adjuster allows you to tighten or loosen the chain without using tools. This makes maintenance fast and easy while on the job. Both saws feature an automatic chain oiler that delivers a constant supply of chain oil to the bar and chain when needed.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|진동 레벨 좌/우

MS 180 has a larger bar diameter than the MS 231 (20″ vs 18″ respectively), which leads to more vibration when using it on larger diameter logs. This can sometimes cause you to lose your grip on the handle because of how much vibration there is at that point on the bar where you’re holding it while operating the saw. If you’re cutting large diameter logs with each saw then this won’t be an issue because they both cut big logs very well – but if you’re cutting small diameter logs (say 16″) then it’s not as big of an issue as.

MS 231 is a larger saw with a 21-inch bar and longer guide bar. 이것은 231 well suited for working in the woods where you need more power or are cutting larger trees. Both chainsaws have similar features like low vibration technology (Vibration Control System). This feature helps prevent hand fatigue while you’re working. You’ll also find that both models have automatic oil pumps that make it easier to keep your chain lubricated during use. The main difference between these two models is their weight and size as well as their power output numbers.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|톱 체인 피치

MS 181 에 무게 9 pounds while the MS 184 에 무게 10 파운드, so it is slightly heavier than its older brother. You may also notice that these two models have different carburetors – this is because they were designed with different fuel injectors to meet emission standards in their respective countries (the US and Europe).

Having the right tool for the job at hand is crucial. A saw chain’s pitch is defined as the distance between three consecutive rivets divided by two. The most common pitches are 1/4″ and 3/8″. As the pitch gets larger, the chain will have a larger cutting diameter and more power, but it will also run slower and be more difficult to control. The smallest pitch available is 1/4″. This chain is used on small consumer-grade saws and can be used to cut softwood or prune trees.

It runs very fast but has less cutting power than a 3/8″ chain. STIHL manufactures several saw chains with this pitch: PICCO, PICCO Micro™, Rapid Micro™, and Micro™. 1/4″ Picco saw chains have a very small profile that allows for efficient cutting with minimal kickback (kickback refers to when the guide bar snaps back toward the operator during operation). This makes them ideal for pruning activities. They are available in both standard and low-kickback versions. These chains are very lightweight and easy to maneuver, making them great for arborists and tree care professionals who need precise control of their saws for climbing, and rigging.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형

MS 180 uses an automatic oiler, so you don’t have to worry about keeping it properly lubricated. 장점: Lightweight at just over 10 파운드; easy starting; automatic oiler; good value for money Cons: Not suited for heavy-duty work; 16″ bar is too short for larger trees or clearing brush STIHL MS 231: MS 231 is a better choice if you’re looking for something more powerful than the MS 180 but still want something lightweight and easy to use. It has a 21″ bar and chain — so it can take on bigger projects like removing larger branches or cutting down trees up to 12 직경 인치.

It also weighs more than twice as much as the MS 180 ~에 11 파운드, making it harder to control during use. MS 231 only cuts through 6″-12″ of wood at a time, but it does have an automatic oiler like the MS 180 does in order to keep your chain from wearing out prematurely due to lack of lubrication during use.

스틸 MS 180 대 MS 231|어떤게 더 좋아

They both have an automatic oiling system that makes them easier to maintain but also reduces the need for manual oiling during operation. This can be especially helpful if you’re just starting out with chainsaws or don’t have much experience using them before. They both have an anti-vibration system that helps make it easier to hold onto the saw while cutting through thick logs or brush. They both have an auto-advance feature that automatically increases the chain pitch as it wears down so you don’t need to manually adjust it yourself every time you use it (which would also require an additional tool).

STIHL MS 180 및 STIHL MS 231 are both great machines for homeowners and occasional users. 하지만, MS 180 is more versatile than the MS 231, making it the better choice for a variety of projects around your home. STIHL has two lines of gasoline-powered handheld trimmers: the Comfort Line and the Professional Line. The Comfort Line includes models such as the MS 180 그리고 MS 191 (which are virtually identical to the MS 181). These machines are designed for homeowners who want to tackle light trimming jobs around their homes.

Both MS 180 그리고 MS 231 are two popular career tech courses offered by many schools. They help high school students prepare for the workforce by learning skills that can be applied to a specific field of interest. Some schools offer only one, while others may offer both options. The main difference between these two classes is that MS 180 focuses on Industrial and Construction Technology, while MS 231 focuses on Manufacturing Technology.