스틸 462 대 661: 주요 차이점은 무엇입니까?

When you are shopping for a chainsaw, Stihl is a good choice. There are many chainsaw products of Stihl, among which Stihl 462 그리고 스틸 661 are more prominent among all chainsaws. Which of these two should you choose? 이 기사에서, we will discuss the performance of these two chainsaws in response to this problem, so as to better help you choose.

스틸 462

더 스틸 462 is the newest model in the Stihl line of gas hedge trimmers. It has several notable improvements over its predecessor, 그만큼 661. The most notable difference is that the 462 has a fuel-injection system which greatly increases power and runtime. 추가적으로, 그만큼 462 features a new rear-wheel drive layout which improves maneuverability and stability. Other improvements include a more powerful engine, an updated cutting system, and a new ergonomic design.

스틸 661

더 스틸 661 강력한, professional-grade Chainsaw designed for heavy-duty use. It has a high-powered engine that delivers plenty of power to tackle the most challenging cutting jobs. The saw also features a durable construction that can withstand extended use. 추가적으로, 그만큼 스틸 661 comes with a number of features that make it easy to use, such as an adjustable chain tensioner and an automatic oiler.

Compare the Stihl 462 그리고 스틸 661

엔진 변위

엔진 배기량에 관해서는, the two most popular choices are the 91.1 cubic inch engine found in the Stihl 661 chain saw and the 72.2 cubic inch engine found in the Husqvarna 570 전기톱. 그만큼 462 cubic inch engine is typically found in smaller chainsaws, 동안 661 cubic inch engine is more commonly used in larger chainsaws.

전원 출력

더 스틸 462 그리고 661 are both great saws for anyone in the market for a powerful and durable chainsaw. Both of these saws offer a lot of power and are built to last, and their power out put is different.

더 스틸 462 최대 전력 출력은 다음과 같습니다. 2.8 kw, 동안 661 최대 전력 출력은 다음과 같습니다. 3.4 kw. This means that the 661 is slightly more powerful than the 462, but both saws are still more than capable of handling most tasks.


When it comes to power, there is no comparison between the two Stihl machines. 그만큼 462 weighs in at just over 13 파운드, 동안 661 tips the scales at an impressive 16.5 파운드. 즉, when it comes to cutting wood, both machines are head and shoulders above their competitors.

더 스틸 661 has a powerful engine that can handle a lot of weight. This means you can tackle larger pieces of wood with ease. 추가적으로, the machine has a large deck area so you don’t have to constantly move around to get to your work area. 그만큼 462 has a powerful engine as well, but its smaller deck size makes it difficult to maneuver.

스틸 462 대 661

전력 대 중량 비율

중량 대비 출력 비율에 관해서, 스틸 462 clearly outshines the competition. With a whopping 64.5 hp per ton, this engine packs a serious punch. 반면에, 허스크바나 661 falls short in this department by comparison, boasting only 41 hp per ton. 하지만, despite its weaker power-to-weight ratio, 허스크바나 661 is still a formidable machine when it comes to cutting through tough brush and tall grass.

음압 레벨

더 스틸 462 그리고 스틸 661 시장에서 가장 인기있는 전기 톱 중 두 가지입니다.. Both of these saws have their pros and cons, but which one is the best for you? In terms of the sound pressure level, 스틸 462 has a lower sound pressure level (SPL) than the Stihl 661. This means that it won’t make as much noise when using it. If you’re looking for a saw that is quiet when operating, 그런 다음 Stihl 462 좋은 선택이 될 것입니다.

사운드 파워 레벨

The two most popular chainsaws on the market are the Stihl 462 그리고 스틸 661. Both of these chainsaws have their pros and cons, 그러나 어느 것이 당신에게 적합합니까? 이 섹션의, we will compare the sound power level of the Stihl 462 그리고 스틸 661 to help you decide which one is right for your needs.

The sound power level of a chain saw is an important factor to consider when shopping for one. The louder the chain saw, the greater the potential damage it can cause if not used properly. 더 스틸 462 의 사운드 파워 레벨을 가지고 있습니다. 119 데시벨, 반면 스틸은 661 의 사운드 파워 레벨을 가지고 있습니다. 134 데시벨.

진동 레벨 좌/우

When it comes to choosing the perfect saw for your needs, 고려해야 할 많은 요소가 있습니다. But one of the most important is the vibration level left right. This refers to how much noise the saw makes when in use. One of the top sellers on the market is the Stihl 462. It has a very low vibration level left right, meaning that it is quiet when cutting wood. The downside to this saw is that it cannot handle as much weight as other saws on the market.

If you are looking for a lightweight saw that can handle smaller jobs, then you should consider the 661. It has a higher vibration level left right, making it more powerful and efficient when cutting wood.

스틸 462 대 661

톱 체인 피치

Both saws use the same type of saw chain, so there’s no need to worry about compatibility there. 하지만, 스틸 462 uses a 1/4-inch pitch chain, 반면 스틸은 661 uses a 3/8-inch pitch chain. 이것은 Stihl이 462 is better suited for larger projects, 반면 스틸은 661 is better suited for smaller projects.

If you’re looking for a powerful and durable saw for larger projects, 스틸 462 훌륭한 선택입니다. If you’re looking for a saw that’s easy to maneuver and handle, 스틸 661 훌륭한 선택입니다.

STIHL Oilomatic 톱 체인 유형

When it comes to chainsaw chain types, there are a few that are constantly getting comparisons. One of these is the Stihl 462 oil-powered chain saw, and the other is the Stihl 661 gas-powered chain saw.

Both machines offer their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to know which one is right for you. 그만큼 462 offers more power than the 661, but it also requires more work to use. 그만큼 661 is quieter and easier to operate, but it doesn’t generate as much power. It’s up to you to decide which chain saw is best for your needs.

스틸 462 대 661, 최고의 전기톱입니다?

There are a lot of factors to consider when purchasing a chainsaw. Two of the most popular models on the market are the Stihl 462 그리고 스틸 661. Both saws have their own unique features that make them stand out from the competition. 그래서, which one is the best chainsaw?

더 스틸 462 is a great choice for those who need a powerful saw for heavy-duty cutting. It has a lot of features that make it ideal for tougher jobs. 예를 들어, it has a low-vibration system that makes it more comfortable to use for extended periods of time. It also has a higher power-to-weight ratio than the Stihl 661, meaning that it can cut through tougher material more easily.

더 스틸 661 is a good choice for those who need a saw that is more versatile. It has a number of features that make it ideal for a variety of tasks. 예를 들어, it has an adjustable chainspeed that allows you to choose the right speed for the job at hand. It also has a built-in oiler that lubricates the chain automatically, making it less likely to get damaged.

스틸 462 대 661

둘 다 스틸 462 그리고 661 are two great, versatile saws that can handle a variety of tasks. They both offer great performance and are worth considering if you’re in the market for a new saw. They both have a number of features that make them versatile, and it really comes down to personal preference as to which one is the best fit for your needs.