스틸 025 전기 톱 최고의 가격, 검토 및 사양

강력하고 저렴한 전기톱을 찾고 있다면, 스틸 025 훌륭한 옵션입니다. It’s perfect for both home and professional use, and it’s one of the most popular models on the market. 이 기사에서, we’ll review the specifications of the Stihl 025 전기톱, as well as provide our thoughts on why it’s one of the best values currently available.

스틸 025: 이 전기톱에 대해 알아야 할 사항?

전기톱 시장에 있다면, 스틸 025 확실히 고려할 가치가 있습니다. This saw is known for being lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it a great choice for anyone who doesn’t want to deal with the bulk and weight of a traditional chainsaw.

What is 스틸 025 Chainsaw for?

더 스틸 025 Chainsaw is a versatile tool designed to make cutting and pruning jobs easier and more efficient. This saw is perfect for anyone who needs to cut firewood, trim branches, clear bushes, or fell small trees. The chainsaw is equipped with a powerful petrol engine that can deliver excellent performance even in challenging conditions. The saw’s high-cutting speed and adjustable chain oiling system ensure that you get the job done quickly and effectively. 더 스틸 025 Chainsaw is perfect for homeowners, 농부, 조경사, and other professionals who require a reliable and efficient cutting tool.

Who is Stihl 025 Chainsaw for?

더 스틸 025 Chainsaw is designed for anyone who needs a reliable and efficient cutting tool. This saw is ideal for homeowners who need to cut firewood or trim trees in their yards. It is also suitable for farmers who need to clear land or prune crops. Landscapers and contractors who work in the construction industry can benefit from its high-performance engine and precision cutting capability. The chainsaw is easy to handle and requires minimal maintenance, making it an ideal choice for novice users who are looking for a reliable and affordable cutting tool. 전반적인, 스틸 025 Chainsaw is the perfect choice for anyone who needs a reliable and efficient chainsaw for a variety of cutting jobs.

스틸 025

스틸 025 전기톱 검토

강력하고 안정적인 전기톱을 찾고 있다면, 스틸 025 훌륭한 옵션입니다. It has a lot of features that make it easy to use, and it’s built to last. 더 스틸 025 has a 16-inch bar and a 2.4-horsepower engine, making it great for cutting through thick branches and logs. It also has an automatic chain oiler, so you don’t have to worry about lubricating the chain manually.

One of the best features of the Stihl 025 is its anti-kickback system. This system stops the chainsaw from kicking back towards the user if the chain gets jammed. This is a great safety feature, and it makes the chainsaw much easier to use.

더 스틸 025 is a great choice for anyone looking for a powerful and reliable chainsaw. It’s easy to use and has some great safety features. If you’re looking for a chainsaw that will last, 스틸 025 훌륭한 옵션입니다.

설계 및 시공

더 스틸 025 is a workhorse of a saw, and is one of the most popular models that Stihl produces. It is a lightweight saw that is easy to handle, yet still packs a powerful punch. The saw is designed for both home and professional users, and can handle a variety of tasks.

The body of the saw is made from a lightweight aluminum alloy, 기동을 쉽게 해주는. The saw also has a vibration-damping system that helps to reduce operator fatigue. The saw is powered by a two-stroke engine, and has a chain brake for safety.


더 스틸 025 chainsaw is a workhorse of a machine. 가볍다, 조작하기 쉽게 만드는, and has just enough power to get the job done quickly and efficiently. 그만큼 025 also features an anti-kickback brake that engages automatically if the saw gets jammed, which makes it one of the safest chainsaws on the market.

스틸 025

절단 성능

When it comes to cutting performance, 스틸 025 is definitely one of the best chainsaws on the market. It can easily handle tough cuts, such as felling trees or cutting through thick branches. 추가적으로, 그만큼 025 is also great for more delicate jobs, such as carving or pruning. No matter what type of cutting job you need to do, 스틸 025 작업에 달려있다.

If you’re looking for a top-quality chainsaw that can handle just about any cutting job, then you should definitely check out the Stihl 025. This chainsaw is sure to provide you with the power and performance you need to get the job done right.


배수량 45.1참조
엔진 출력 2.2kW
무게 10.3 파운드
연료 용량 .47 엘
체인 오일 용량 .21 엘
오일로매틱 체인 .325″ Rapid-Micro 2
Guide Bar Available 12″ to 18″
Recommended Guide Bar 16″
Recommended Saw Chain #3977 26RM2-62


  1. Superior power-to-weight ratio compared to other saws of its time.
  2. Convenient side-access chain tensioner surpassing the outdated front-mount tensioner.
  3. 그만큼 master control lever offers effortless control of on/off, 초크, and throttle with one hand.
  4. 그만큼 easy-off air filter cover is a significant upgrade from older chainsaws.
  5. 그만큼 inboard-mounted chain brake efficiently keeps it sheltered from dirt and debris, and the outboard-mounted sprocket permits painless installation of bar and chain.
  6. The chainsaw features two piston rings that provide extended compression and boost cooling efficiency.
  7. Equipped with an electronic ignition system, the machine is more dependable and straightforward to work on in comparison to older ignition systems.

보증 및 보증

When it comes to purchasing a chainsaw, one of the most important factors to consider is the warranty and guarantee that comes with the product. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a faulty chainsaw that doesn’t live up to your expectations.

더 스틸 025 훌륭한 옵션입니다. It comes with a 2-year warranty and a 1-year guarantee, so you can rest assured that you’re getting a quality product. 그만큼 025 also features an anti-vibration system that reduces operator fatigue, making it ideal for long days of work.

찬반 양론


  1. 더 스틸 025 is a very lightweight chainsaw, 기동을 쉽게 해주는.
  2. The saw is also very easy to start, which is a huge plus.
  3. It has a great power-to-weight ratio, which means that it is able to pack a lot of power without being too heavy.
  4. The chainsaw is also very easy to use, even for beginners.


  1. 더 스틸 025 is not the best choice for heavy-duty work.
  2. The chainsaw can be a bit difficult to handle if you are not used to using one.
  3. The saw does not have a lot of features, which can be a drawback for some users.

The Customer reviews

더 스틸 025 시장에서 가장 인기있는 전기 톱 중 하나입니다. It is known for its durability and performance. Many customers have given the Stihl 025 Chainsaw high marks for its quality and value.

  • One customer wrote: “I’ve had my Stihl 025 for about a year now and it has been a great saw. It’s easy to start and has plenty of power. I’ve cut through some pretty big logs with it and it has never let me down.”

  • Another customer said: “I’ve had my Stihl 025 for about two years now and it is still going strong. It is a great saw for the price and I would highly recommend it to anyone.”

전반적인, 스틸 025 Chainsaw is a great product that is well worth the price. 튼튼하다, 강한, 사용하기 쉬운. 새 전기톱을 구매하려는 경우, 스틸 025 확실히 목록의 맨 위에 있어야합니다.

스틸 025 전기톱: What’s the best deal and where to buy?

Here are some best deals for you and you can choose from them or compare all the information to help you choose.

There are a few different places that you can buy the Stihl 025 전기톱. One option is to purchase it directly from the Stihl website. Another option is to find a local retailer that sells Stihl products. 드디어, you can also find the chainsaw for sale online from a variety of different retailers.

스틸 025 매뉴얼 및 운영

스틸을 찾으신다면 025 전기톱 수동, 당신은 올바른 장소에 왔습니다.


스틸 025 부품 목록 및 다이어그램

더 스틸 025 is a powerful saw that can handle most tasks. Here is a parts list and diagram to help you understand how the 025 works.

부품 목록:

  • 체인
  • 스프로켓
  • 체인 가드
  • Fixed chain tensioner
  • 피스톤
  • 실린더
  • Piston rod
  • Axe
  • Handle
  • Boom
  • 가이드바
  • Lubricant


더 스틸 025 chainsaw operates on a chain and sprocket system. The chain links the sprocket to the chain guard and drives the saw. The chain tensioner adjusts the tension on the chain to ensure a smooth cut. The piston operates the saw’s engine. The cylinder holds the oil and provides power to the piston. The axe and handle are the main parts of the saw that interact with the user. The boom and guide bar are used to control the saw’s cutting depth and angle.

Maintenance Tips

  1. Clean or replace the air filter regularly
  2. Check and adjust the chain tension frequently
  3. Keep the bar lubricated and clean
  4. 정기적으로 체인을 연마하십시오.
  5. Use fresh fuel and Stihl chainsaw oil
  6. Clean and inspect the spark plug periodically
  7. Inspect the carburetor and fuel lines for any damage
  8. Store the chainsaw in a dry and protected place

스틸 025 Bar and Chain Size

If you’re looking for a high-quality chainsaw that can handle larger cuts, 스틸 025 chainsaw bar and chain size is a great option. 이 톱에는 bar length of 25in and a chain size of 1-1/4in, which makes it perfect for larger branches and logs. 추가적으로, the chain tensioner ensures even cutting, so you can get the most out of your Stihl 025 전기톱.

Chainsaw Better Alternative

If you’re looking for a better alternative to the Stihl 025 전기톱, 당신은 운이 좋다. There are plenty of great options out there that can provide you with the power and performance you need to get the job done right.

Here are just a few of the best Stihl 025 chainsaw alternatives that you should consider:

1. 허스크바나 240

허스크바나 240 Stihl의 훌륭한 대안입니다 025 전기톱. 가벼워서 조작이 편해요, making it a great choice for those who need a saw that’s easy to handle.

2. Makita DCS6401

The Makita DCS6401 is another great option for those who are looking for a powerful and easy-to-use chainsaw. It has a high-powered motor that makes it easy to cut through even the toughest materials.

3. 돌마 PC6412

The Dolmar PC6412 is another excellent alternative to the Stihl 025 전기톱. It’s a great choice for those who need a saw that’s both powerful and easy to use.


1분기. How Much Does A Stihl 025 비용?

The average cost for a Stihl 025 전기톱이 주변에 있어요 $250 에게 $300. 하지만, the price may vary depending on the location, availability, and condition of the chainsaw.

2분기. How Powerful Is A Stihl 025 전기톱?

더 스틸 025 전기톱은 2.6 horsepower engine with a displacement of 45.4 입방 센티미터. It can produce a maximum chain speed of up to 60 mph and has a cutting capacity of up to 16 신장.

3분기. What’s The Best Use For A Stihl 025 전기톱?

더 스틸 025 chainsaw is ideal for homeowners and DIY enthusiasts who need a reliable and powerful tool for cutting small trees, 가지, and firewood. 가볍다, easy to handle, and can provide excellent performance for occasional and light-duty use.

4분기. Why Is The Stihl 025 So Popular?

더 스틸 025 chainsaw is popular among users because of its quality, 내구성, 및 성능. It is designed to be versatile and reliable, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of cutting tasks. 추가적으로, Stihl is a well-respected and recognized brand in the chainsaw industry, which adds to the popularity and trust of the Stihl 025 모델.

스틸 025

결론적으로,스틸 025 is a great choice for those looking for a powerful and affordable chainsaw. It is easy to use and maintain, and its features make it a versatile tool for a variety of tasks. With a price that is significantly lower than other models on the market, 스틸 025 Chainsaw is a great value for your money.