Stihl MS 181 C-BE gegn MS 210 : Hver er besta keðjusögin fyrir okkur?

Have you recently purchased the Stihl MS 181 C-BE or the MS 210 and have always wondered what’s the difference between these two saws? Hérna, I go over small factors such as blade diameter to important technical details that could determine your purchase decision.

The MS 181C-BE and MS 210 both share several common features. Although they share many common features, there are some differences involved with each model. Þessi munur verður sýndur í þessari grein.


STIHL MS 181 C-BE er hátækni og fyrirferðarlítil keðjusög sem er með STIHL Easy2Start kerfi fyrir hraðakstur, nánast áreynslulaus ræsing og Quick Chain Adjuster til að stilla keðjuspennuna auðveldlega. Þetta líkan er einnig með stangarhnetu á keðjuhlífinni, sem þýðir að þetta erfiða litla sög er auðveldara í viðhaldi en nokkru sinni fyrr.

MS 181 C-BE inniheldur einnig STIHL Easy2Start kerfið og Quick Chain Adjuster, sem gerir þetta líkan enn auðveldara í notkun. Með faglegum skurðafköstum sínum, það kemur ekki á óvart að margir kjósa að nota þessa keðjusög fram yfir örlítið minna öfluga valkost.


STIHL MS 210 er öflug keðjusög sem er fullkomin fyrir þá sem eru að leita að hágæða sög sem þolir bæði stór og smá skurð. Með skurðargetu upp á 210 cm, þessi sög er fullkomin fyrir þá sem þurfa sög sem þolir mikið við.

Þessi keðjusög er einnig hönnuð með fjölda eiginleika sem gera hana að fullkomnu vali fyrir þá sem eru að leita að keðjusög sem þolir mikið af erfiðum skurðum. Til dæmis, MS 210 er með endingargott keðju- og stangarkerfi sem er hannað til að takast á við mikið af erfiðum skurðum. Auk þess, MS 210 er einnig búinn fjölda öryggisþátta sem gera hana að öruggri keðjusög í notkun.

STIHL MS 210 FRÖKEN 181 C-BE vs MS 210

Tæknilegar upplýsingar
Tilfærsla cm³ 31,8 35,2
AfköstkW/ 1,5/2 1,6/2,2
Þyngd kg 4,6 1) 4,4 5)
Afl/þyngd hlutfall kg/kW 3,1 2,8
Hljóðþrýstingsstig dB(A) 100 2) 100,0 6)
Hljóðstyrk dB(A) 112 3)
Titringsstig til vinstri/hægri m/s² 3,5/3 4)
Saga keðjuhæð 3/8″P 3/8″ P
STIHL Oilomatic sagarkeðjugerð Micro Mini peak 3 (PMM3) Ör toppur 3 (PM3)

Slagrými vélar

Báðar keðjusagirnar eru búnar sömu afkastamiklu vélunum. MS 181 C-BE has a 31. 8cc vél (2.7kW) sem gefur honum nóg af krafti fyrir létt skurðarstörf eins og að klippa tré og hreinsa bursta. MS 210 er aðeins stærri með 35,2cc vél (3kW). Öflugri vélin gerir henni kleift að takast á við erfiðari störf án þess að festast, but it still gives you the maneuverability you need for working in tight spaces or from awkward positions.

Both saws have an easy-starting system and a chain tensioning feature that allows you to make adjustments without tools—allowing you to quickly get back to work. The biggest difference between these two saws is size: MS 181 C-BE weighs just 9 pounds while the MS 210 vegur 10 punda. That extra pound makes a big difference if you’re doing extended work, but.


We’ll look at the differences between the STIHL MS 181 C-BE og MS 210 through the lens of engine power output, fuel efficiency and reliability. MS 181 C-BE has a net power output of 1.5 kW, á meðan MS 210 produces 1.8 kW. You can translate these numbers into horsepower by dividing them by 0.7457, or you can compare them directly to other chainsaws in terms of kilowatts or horsepower.

Til dæmis, MS 170 hefur 1.3 kW, which is equivalent to 1.76 hestöfl, while the entry-level MS 180 hefur 0.9 kW, which equals 1.21 hestöfl. A slight difference in horsepower may not seem like much on paper, but it’s felt more when you actually use the saws in real life situations with real logs and branches. MS 181 C-BE is the lightest of the three saws mentioned above, so it feels inherently more powerful than its specs would indicate if you’re used to using larger saws.


Stihl MS 181 C-BE is a very light saw. Weighing in at 8.6 punda, it’s only 2 ounces heavier than an MS 170, but packs a lot more power with a 2.9 hp engine versus the 1.5 hp of the 170. It also has a larger fuel tank than the 170, holding 12.5 ounces versus 9.1 ounces for the lighter saw.

MS 210 is just slightly heavier, vigtun 8.8 pounds with a full tank of fuel and bar oil in place. But it has a much more powerful engine at 3 hp versus the 2.9 hp of the 181, and can handle bar lengths up to 28 inches versus 20 inches for the 181. The 210 carries more fuel as well, holding 14 ounces of fuel in its tank compared to 12.5 ounces for the 181 C-BE.

FRÖKEN 181 C-BE gegn MS 210

Afl/þyngd hlutfall

MS 181 C-BE hefur afl-til-þyngd hlutfall af 2.22 pund á hestöfl, á meðan MS 210 hefur afl-til-þyngd hlutfall af 3 pund á hestöfl. MS 181 C-BE has a lower power to weight ratio which means you can use it for longer without getting fatigued as quickly or easily as you would with the higher power to weight ratio of the MS 210.


MS 181 C-BE is a bit quieter than the MS 210, with a sound pressure level of just 98 dB. MS 210, á hinn bóginn, hefur hljóðþrýstingsstig upp á 102 dB. Svo, if you’re looking for a chainsaw that won’t be too loud, MS 181 C-BE er betri kosturinn.

Auðvitað, noise level isn’t the only thing to consider when choosing a chainsaw. Bæði MS 181 C-BE og MS 210 offer plenty of power and features to help you get the job done right. Svo, be sure to consider all of your options before making a decision.


One of the most important considerations when choosing a chainsaw is the sound power level. MS 181 C-BE hefur hljóðstyrk upp á 97 dB(A), á meðan MS 210 hefur hljóðstyrk upp á 103 dB(A). Þetta þýðir að MS 210 er verulega háværari en MS 181 C-BE. This is something to keep in mind if you’ll be using your chainsaw in an area where noise is a concern.

FRÖKEN 181 C-BE gegn MS 210

Titringsstig til vinstri/hægri

Að meðaltali, MS 181 C-BE saw has 3.0 m/s² of left/right vibration, á meðan MS 210 saw has 3.5 m/s² of left/right vibration. Both saws have approximately 2.5 m/s² of front/back vibration. .

Saga keðjuhæð

When it comes to choosing a saw chain, það eru nokkur atriði sem þarf að huga að. The most important factor is the pitch of the chain. The pitch is the distance between the drive links on the chain. The most common pitches are 3/8”, .404”, and .325”. chains.

MS 181 C-BE og MS 210 both use Picco Micro 3 (PM3) saw chains. The PM3 is a low-profile chain that is designed for use on smaller saws. It has a pitch of 3/8” and a gauge of .050”. The PM3 is a good choice for general purpose use.

STIHL Oilomatic sagarkeðjugerð

Both saws have features that make them easy to use and both come with STIHL’s exclusive Oilomatic saw chain. MS 181 C-BE has a suggested retail price of $329.95 og MS 210 has a suggested retail price of $359.95.

STIHL MS 181 C-BE vs MS 210|sem er betra?

Both saws have their pros and cons, so it’s important to compare them side by side to see which one is the best fit for your needs.

MS 181 C-BE is a lightweight and compact saw that is easy to maneuver. It’s also equipped with a Quickstop chain brake, which is a great safety feature. Hins vegar, some users have found that the saw is difficult to start and that it doesn’t have as much power as the MS 210.

MS 210 is a bit heavier than the MS 181 C-BE, but it’s still a fairly lightweight saw. It has more power than the MS 181 C-BE, making it a better choice for tougher jobs. Hins vegar, it doesn’t have a Quickstop chain brake, so it’s important to be extra careful when using this saw.

Svo, which saw is the better option? It really depends on your needs. If you’re looking for a lightweight and compact saw that is easy to maneuver, MS 181 C-BE er góður kostur. Hins vegar, ef þig vantar sög með meiri krafti fyrir erfiðari störf, MS 210 er betri kosturinn.

FRÖKEN 181 C-BE gegn MS 210