Stihl 400 á móti 462: Hvor er betri?

Ef þú ert að leita að nýrri keðjusög, you may be wondering which model is the best. Two popular options are the Stihl 400 á móti 462, and both have their strengths and weaknesses. Let’s take a closer look at these two models to see how they stack up against each other.

Stihl MS 400

Stihl MS 400

Stihl MS 400 is a high-quality petrol chainsaw designed for professional use in forestry. It is lightweight and easy to handle, thanks to its innovative magnesium piston developed by STIHL. This design feature reduces fatigue and improves maneuverability during prolonged use. MS 400 is known for its durability and reliability, sem gerir það að traustu tæki fyrir fagfólk í skógrækt. Það býður upp á nákvæma skurðafköst og ræður við margvísleg verkefni á auðveldan hátt.

Stihl MS 462

Stihl 400 á móti 462

Stihl MS 462 is a high-quality petrol chainsaw designed for professional use in forestry. Hann státar af kraftmikilli vél og nýstárlegum eiginleikum eins og karburator og handfangshitara, sem gerir það að kjörnu tæki til að takast á við verkefni jafnvel í köldum vetraraðstæðum. Það býður einnig upp á nákvæma skurðafköst og ræður við krefjandi verkefni á auðveldan hátt.

Stihl 400 á móti 462: Samanburður


eign Stihl MS 400 Gerði það í MS462
Shift 66.8 cm³ 72.2 cm³
járnbrautarlengd 40-45cm 40-50cm
Frammistaða 4/5.4 kW/hö 4.4/6 kW/hö
þyngd 5.8kg 6.1kg
afl/þyngdarhlutfall 1.45 kg/kW 1.4 kg/kW
Kerfisþyngd 6.97 / 7.13 kg 7.27 / 7.37 / 7.43 kg
Hljóðþrýstingsstig 107 dB(A) 108 dB(A)
Hljóðstyrkur 118 dB(A) 119 dB(A)
Vinstri/hægri titringsgildi 3.5/3.5 m/s² 4.8/3.6 m/s²

Vélarafl og slagrými

The Stihl 400 er búinn 66,8cc vél sem framleiðir 5.4 hestöfl, meðan Stihl 462 er með stærri vél með 72,2cc slagrými og framleiðir 6 hestöfl. Hvað varðar vélarafl, á Stihl 462 hefur smá forskot á Stihl 400, sem gerir það tilvalið fyrir skógræktarstörf eins og að fella tré og almenn klippingu.


Þegar keðjusög er notuð í langan tíma, þyngd verður lykilatriði. Þó að báðar keðjusagirnar séu flokkaðar sem léttar, á Stihl 462 er aðeins þyngri en Stihl 400. The Stihl 462 vegur 6 kg, en Stihl 400 vegur 5.8 kg. Þar af leiðandi, á Stihl 400 er meðfærilegra og minna þreytandi í notkun. Although the difference is minimal, it becomes noticeable during extended use of the Stihl 462.

Rail length

Stihl MS 462 comes with a bar length that is slightly longer, allt frá 40 to 50cm. In comparison, MS 400 has a bar length of 40 to 45cm. This seemingly small difference in bar length can actually offer notable advantages when it comes to handling larger tasks. This makes it easier to tackle bigger jobs, such as cutting through thicker logs or handling larger trees.

Cutting time

Raunveruleg skurðartími getur verið verulega breytilegur eftir umhverfisþáttum í kring og tilteknu efni sem verið er að skera. Hins vegar, í heildina, Stihl MS 462 sýnir yfirburða sagunarafköst vegna meiri tilfærslu og aukins krafts.


Þegar verið er að bera saman verð á Stihl MS 400 og Stihl MS 462 keðjusögur, það er munur á kostnaði. Stihl MS 400 er á 1.587,00 €, en Stihl MS 462 er aðeins hærra á € 1.815,00. Þetta þýðir að Stihl MS 462 er dýrari en Stihl MS 400. Þú getur skoðað nýjasta verðeyðublaðið hér.

Eldsneytisgeta og neysla

One of the critical factors to consider when choosing a chainsaw is fuel capacity and consumption as they directly impact the operating cost and runtime. The Stihl 400 features a fuel tank with a capacity of 20.3 ounces, meðan Stihl 462 has a higher capacity of 24.3 lítra.

Þar af leiðandi, MS 462 can operate for more extended periods without requiring refueling. Hins vegar, the increased fuel capacity also means that it consumes more fuel per hour than the MS 400. MS 400 has a fuel consumption rate of 2.265 liters per hour, whereas the MS 462 consumes fuel at a rate of 2.387 liters per hour. When considering fuel efficiency, MS 400 emerges as the winner.

Sound emissions

Regarding noise emissions, both the Stihl MS 400 and the Stihl MS 462 demonstrate comparable levels. Hins vegar, it should be noted that the MS 462 does exhibit a slightly higher level of noise in terms of both sound pressure level and sound power level.

Stihl MS 462, with its sound pressure level measuring 108 dB(A), emits a slightly louder noise compared to the MS 400. Similarly, in terms of sound power level, MS 462 produces a noise level of 119 dB(A), again slightly exceeding that of the MS 400.

Speed at Maximum Power

The cutting efficiency of a chainsaw largely depends on its maximum power speed. A higher speed enables faster and more efficient cutting, especially when dealing with tough wood.

When it comes to speed, á Stihl 400 og 462 are evenly matched, both operating at a maximum speed of 10,000 um. This makes them equally efficient when it comes to cutting performance.

The Similar Features of Stihl MS 400 og MS 462

The Similar Features of Stihl MS 400 og MS 462

Stihl M-Tronic

The Stihl M-Tronic system is equipped in every Stihl chainsaw model, including the MS 400 og MS 462. Þetta snjalla vélastýringarkerfi stillir sjálfkrafa kveikju- og eldsneytistíma út frá þáttum eins og hæð, hitastig, og eldsneytisgæði.

Þar af leiðandi, handvirkar stillingar á karburara eru ekki lengur nauðsynlegar. Með M-Tronic kerfinu, Stihl keðjusagir geta gengið sléttari, bætir afköst og dregur úr eldsneytisnotkun.

Stihl 2-Bland vél

Bæði Stihl 400 og 462 með glæsilegri Stihl 2-Mix vél, sem aðgreinir þá frá hefðbundnum 2-gengis vélum. Hannað til að auka eldsneytisnýtingu og draga úr útblæstri, this engine can lower fuel costs by up to 20% and decrease emissions by as much as 50%.

Ematic smurkerfi

If you’re concerned about excessive lubricant usage, á Stihl 400 og 462 will pleasantly surprise you. Equipped with the Ematic Lubrication System, these chainsaws provide a consistent flow of oil to the bar and chain. This system effectively reduces oil consumption by up to 50% while ensuring proper lubrication of the bar and chain.

Anti-vibration System

Extended use of a chainsaw often leads to fatigue and discomfort. Hins vegar, á Stihl 400 og 462 address this issue with their Anti-vibration system. By utilizing dampers, this system minimizes vibration before it reaches your hands, significantly improving user comfort.

Master Control lever

Operating Stihl chainsaws becomes effortless thanks to the Master Control Lever. With this lever, starting, stopping, and controlling the speed of the MS 400 eða MS 462 is quick and easy. Auk þess, all controls are conveniently located in one spot, allowing for one-handed operation.

Pre-separation Air Filtration System

Bæði Stihl 400 og 462 incorporate a pre-separation air filtration system, ensuring that the engine remains free from dust and debris. This system effectively separates larger particles of debris before they can reach the air filter.

By preventing clogging and maintaining a clean filter, the chainsaw’s performance is improved, and the need for regular cleaning is eliminated.

Stihl Quickstop

To enhance safety while using the Stihl 400 eða 462, the Stihl Quickstop feature comes into play. When you release the throttle trigger or experience kickback, this feature activates a chain brake. The quick-stopping capability of the chainsaw increases user safety when operating the MS 400 og MS 462.

Stihl Elastostart

Starting up chainsaws can be challenging, but Stihl has made it easier with the inclusion of the Elastostart feature in the MS 400 og MS 462. By reducing strain on your hands and arms during startup, this feature simplifies the process.

Both chainsaws also come equipped with a decompression valve, which reduces compression in the cylinder when pulling the starting cord, further facilitating easier starts.

HD2 Filter

The HD2 filter, present in both the Stihl MS 400 og Stihl MS 462, plays a crucial role in keeping the engine clean and free from debris. Constructed from reusable polyethylene material, this filter features fine pores that effectively prevent contaminants from passing through. With the HD2 filter, you can rely on your Stihl MS 400 eða 462 to deliver optimal performance while requiring less maintenance.

Adjustable Automatic Oiler

For smoother chain operation, MS 400 og 462 are equipped with an adjustable automatic oiler. This feature ensures precise and consistent lubrication of the chain and bar.

The oiler automatically adjusts the amount of oil released based on factors such as wood type, bar length, and chain pitch. Proper lubrication prevents premature chain wear, extending the lifespan of the chainsaw.

Side-access Chain Tensioner

With the Stihl MS 400 eða 462, adjusting chain tension is a breeze. The side-access chain tensioner allows you to easily adjust the tension without removing the sprocket cover. A properly tensioned chain improves efficiency and prevents it from slipping off the bar.

Stihl 400 á móti 462: Which one is suit for you?

Choosing between the Stihl 400 og 462 chainsaws can be a difficult decision. Let’s break it down simply. The Stihl 400 is great for everyday use, providing reliable performance and fuel efficiency. It’s suitable for general cutting tasks and offers a comfortable and user-friendly experience.

Á hinn bóginn, á Stihl 462 is a powerful beast, perfect for heavy-duty cutting and tackling tough wood. It offers impressive cutting speed and performance, making it ideal for professional and demanding applications. Svo, depending on your needs and the type of cutting you’ll be doing, either the Stihl 400 eða 462 can be a great fit for you.


Is STIHL 400 a pro saw?

Yes, STIHL 400 is considered a professional saw.

Is the Stihl MS 400 a good saw?

Yes, MS 400 C–M is a saw designed for professional use and belongs to the “middle class” of saws.

How many ccs is STIHL 400?

STIHL 400 er 66.8 cc.

How big of a bar can you put on an STIHL 462?

STIHL MS 462 chainsaw typically comes with a recommended bar length of 20-30inches.


The Stihl 400 and Stihl 462 are both excellent chainsaws with their unique features. Which one is better for you ultimately depends on your needs and preferences. The Stihl 400 is an ideal choice if you require a high-performance saw for light to moderate-duty work, meðan Stihl 462 is a perfect option if you have more demanding tasks such as cutting down larger trees or working in the forest.