Stihl 044 ítarlega endurskoðun, besta verð og forskriftir

If you’re looking for a powerful and reliable saw, then the Stihl 044 er frábært val. Í þessari umfjöllun, we’ll take an in-depth look at the Stihl 044 keðjusög, including its best features, verð, and specifications.

Stihl 044: What should you know on this chainsaw?

This Stihl 044 chainsaw has a bar length of 18 inches and a power output of 3.0 hestöfl, making it ideal for a variety of tasks. One of the most impressive features of this chainsaw is its ability to start quickly and easily, even in cold weather. Auk þess, á Stihl 044 has low vibration levels, meaning that you can use it for extended periods of time without feeling fatigue.

If you are looking for a durable and powerful chainsaw, á Stihl 044 er frábær kostur. Hins vegar, there are a few things you should keep in mind before making your purchase. Fyrst, this chainsaw is not suitable for beginners – it is powerful and can be difficult to control if you are not experienced. Auk þess, á Stihl 044 is one of the more expensive chainsaws on the market, so be sure to factor that into your budget.

Á heildina litið, á Stihl 044 is a great choice for experienced users who need a reliable and powerful chainsaw. Keep in mind the price tag and the learning curve, and you will be sure to enjoy all that this saw has to offer.

Stihl 044 chainsaw Review

The Stihl 044 chainsaw is a powerful and reliable saw that is perfect for both professional and home use. It features a strong engine that delivers plenty of power, making it easy to tackle even the toughest jobs. The saw also has a durable construction that can withstand years of heavy use.

Auk þess, it comes with all the necessary accessories to get started right away. Á heildina litið, á Stihl 044 chainsaw is an excellent choice for anyone in need of a top-quality saw.

Stihl 044 keðjusög

Hönnun og smíði

The Stihl 044 is designed for easy and comfortable use. The saw has an ergonomic handle that is comfortable to hold, and a well-balanced body that makes it easy to control. The chainsaw also has a vibration-damping system that reduces the amount of vibration felt by the user.

The Stihl 044 chainsaw is built to last. The saw’s engine is made from cast iron, and the guide bar and chain are made from heat-treated steel. The saw also has a durable metal casing that protects the engine and other vital parts from damage.


The technology of the Stihl 044 chainsaw is impressive, with features like an electronic start and a chain brake that make it one of the most user-friendly chainsaws on the market. The 044 comes with a 3-in-1 chain sharpener, making it easy to keep your chain sharp.

Skurður árangur

Stihl 044 has a two-stroke engine with a power output of 3.0 kW (4.0 hö). It has a chain speed of 20 Fröken (66 ft/s), and a guide bar length of 45 cm (18 inn). The saw weighs just over 5 kg (11 lb), making it easy to handle even for those who are not particularly strong or experienced.

One of the most impressive things about the Stihl 044 is its cutting performance. It can easily cut through trees with a diameter of up to 50 cm (20 inn), and can even handle larger diameters with some effort. The saw is also very effective at cutting through thick brush.


  • Framleitt í Ameríku. Meirihluti STIHL vara sem seldar eru í Ameríku eru framleiddar í Ameríku í Bandaríkjunum. og erlend efni.
  • Titringsvarnarkerfi. STIHL hefur þróað kerfi til að lágmarka titringsstig handfesta utandyra raforkubúnaðar. STIHL titringsvarnarkerfið hjálpar til við að draga úr þreytu stjórnanda og veitir þægilegri vinnuupplifun.
  • IntelliCarb™ jöfnunarkarburator. IntelliCarb™ jöfnunarcarburetorinn er hannaður til að stilla loft/eldsneytishlutfallið sjálfkrafa þegar loftsían verður takmörkuð eða stíflast að hluta og viðheldur réttum snúningi hreyfilsins.. IntelliCarb™ notar loft frá hreinu hlið loftsíunnar til að stjórna þind og flæði eldsneytis.
  • Ematic™ smurkerfi. Ematic™ stýristikan, þegar það er notað með STIHL OILOMATIC® sagakeðju, mun veita rétta smurningu og minni olíunotkun en hefðbundnar aðferðir. Kerfið virkar vegna þess að tveir rampar, beitt sett í stýrisstöngina, hjálpa til við að halda olíuflæðinu í skefjum og beina allri smurningu að renniflötum stangarinnar og keðjutengla sem og hnoð og drifgöt.

Ábyrgðin og ábyrgðin

Allar STIHL vörur eru í ábyrgð fyrir 3 mánuði þegar vara er notuð til leigu. All STIHL axes, hedge shears, loppers, pruners, and pruning saws are warranted against defective material or workmanship until the product is no longer available while owned by the original purchaser (other than for purpose of resale), when used for all applications.

STIHL vörur seldar í gegnum U.S. söluaðilar eru eingöngu til dreifingar í Bandaríkjunum!

Kostir og gallar

On the plus side, á Stihl 044 is a very durable and reliable chainsaw. It’s also relatively easy to operate and maintain, which makes it a good choice for first-time chainsaw users. Auk þess, this model is relatively lightweight and has low vibration levels, making it more comfortable to use than some other models on the market.

Hins vegar, there are also some potential negatives to keep in mind. Keðjusagir geta verið hættulegar ef þær eru ekki notaðar á réttan hátt - þær geta auðveldlega sparkað til baka og valdið alvarlegum meiðslum eða jafnvel dauða. Auk þess, keðjusagir hafa takmarkaðan líftíma og geta þurft reglubundið viðhald til að vera starfhæft.

Stihl 044 keðjusög

Umsagnir viðskiptavina

In the market for a new chainsaw? Stihl is a trusted brand with a variety of models to choose from. The 044 is one of their most popular models – and for good reason. Það er öflugt, skilvirkur, and easy to use. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out what these satisfied customers have to say about the Stihl 044 keðjusög.

  • “I’ve had my 044 for about 5 years now and it’s still going strong. I use it for everything from cutting firewood to taking down trees. It’s never let me down.” – Michael W.
  • “I needed a saw that could handle big jobs, og 044 did not disappoint. It made quick work of the tree we had to take down in our yard.” – Jocelyn S.

Stihl 044 Forskriftir keðjusagar

  • Aflgjafi: Gas
  • Powerhead Þyngd: 8.6 lbs.
  • Lengd stýristangar: (Mælt er með) 16 inn.
  • Oilomatic® Chain: 3/8″ PMM3
  • Keðjuolíugeta: 4.9 oz.
  • Vélarafl: 1.7 hö
  • Eldsneytisgeta: 8.5 oz.
  • Tilfærsla: 30.1 cc

What’s the best deal of Stihl 044 chainsaw and where to buy?

Ef þú ert á markaði fyrir Stihl 044 keðjusög, þú ert líklega að velta fyrir þér hvað er besta verðið. Verð á þessari vélsög er á bilinu frá $100 til $200. Og þú getur leitað á viðkomandi vefsíðum. Þó að það sé ekkert endanlegt svar, við getum gefið þér leiðbeiningar um hvar á að leita að bestu tilboðunum.

  1. Fyrst, skoðaðu stórar kassaverslanir þínar eins og Home Depot eða Lowe's. Þeir hafa yfirleitt gott verð á rafmagnsverkfærum eins og keðjusögum.
  2. Í öðru lagi, prófaðu netsala eins og Amazon eða eBay. Þú gætir fundið notaða Stihl 044 fyrir gott verð á einni af þessum síðum.
  3. Loksins, ekki gleyma litlu vélaverkstæðinu þínu. Þeir gætu verið með notaðan Stihl 044 að þeir séu tilbúnir að selja með afslætti.

Með smá verslun í kring, þú ættir að geta fundið mikið af Stihl 044 keðjusög.

Stihl 044 Manual and Operation

STIHL 044 Chainsaw is a high-powered saw that is perfect for handling tough cutting jobs. With its easy-to-use controls and durable construction, the 044 is a great choice for anyone who needs a reliable chainsaw. This handbók will provide you with all the information you need to get the most out of your STIHL 044.


Stihl 044 chainsaw Parts List and Diagram

If you need replacement parts for your Stihl 044 keðjusög, þú ert kominn á réttan stað. We carry a wide variety of parts, including air filters, bar nuts, belts, carburetors, chains, cylinders, filers, handles, mufflers, oil pumps, pistons, recoil starters, shields, sprockets and more.

To help you find the right part for your saw, we’ve put together a comprehensive parts list and diagram. Simply find your model in the list below and click on the link to view the corresponding parts list and diagram.


Stihl 044 Bar and Chain Upgrade

If you’re looking to upgrade the bar and chain on your Stihl 044, þú ert kominn á réttan stað.

  1. First things first, let’s talk about what size bar and chain you’ll need. The Stihl 044 comes with a standard 16″ bar and chain, but you can also upgrade to a 18″ bar and chain if you’re looking for a little more cutting power.
  2. Næst, let’s talk about the different types of chains that are available. The most common type of chain is the standard saw chain, which is what comes on the 044. Hins vegar, you can also upgrade to a low-kickback or carbide-tipped chain, which can offer better performance and safety.
  3. Loksins, let’s talk about price. The cost of a new bar and chain can vary depending on the size and type of chain you choose. Hins vegar, you can expect to pay anywhere from $60 til $100 for a new bar and chain.

Svo, there you have it! Everything you need to know about upgrading the bar and chain on your Stihl 044.

Stihl 044 keðjusög


Að lokum, á Stihl 044 chainsaw is a powerful and reliable tool that offers users a lot of features for a reasonable price. It is our top pick for the best chainsaw for the money. If you’re on a budget, or just want an easy-to-use chainsaw that does the job well, á Stihl 044 er frábær kostur.