Stihl MS 194 C-E i MS 231 C-BE su sjajne pile, ali postoje neke ključne razlike kojih biste trebali biti svjesni prije kupnje. Here’s a quick rundown of the main differences between these two models so you can decide which one is right for you.
Ako tražite snažnu i svestranu motornu pilu, STIHL MS 194 C-E je izvrsna opcija. This saw is equipped with a low-emission engine, čineći ga ekološki prihvatljivim, and features a tool-free chain tensioner for easy adjustments. It also has an ErgoStart system that makes starting the saw easier than ever. Plus, with its compact design, MS 194 C-E is easy to maneuver and handle.
STIHL MS 231 C-BE is a powerful and efficient chainsaw that is perfect for a variety of applications.
Ima motor s niskim emisijama što ga čini idealnim za korištenje u ekološki osjetljivim područjima, and its compact design makes it easy to maneuver and use in tight spaces. MS 231 C-BE also features a Quickstop chain brake system that stops the chain almost instantly, and a tool-free chain tensioning system that makes it easy to keep the chain tight and properly adjusted.
Usporedi STIHL MS 194 C-E i MS 231 C-BE
Zapremina motora
STIHL MS 194 C-E i MS 231 C-BE are both great choices when it comes to engine displacement. MS 194 C-E has a slightly larger engine displacement at 31.8 cc, dok je MS 231 C-BE has a slightly smaller engine displacement at 42.6 cc. Both of these saws have great power and performance, so it really comes down to personal preference when it comes to which one you choose.
Izlazna snaga
STIHL MS 194 C-E i MS 231 C-BE are both great options when it comes to power output. MS 194 C-E is a bit more powerful, s maksimalnom izlaznom snagom od 1.4 konjskih snaga. MS 231 C-BE is not far behind, s maksimalnom izlaznom snagom od 2.1 konjskih snaga. Both of these saws are great for general use around the home, and can handle most tasks with ease.
Kada je riječ o težini, STIHL MS 194 C-E je očiti pobjednik. Teži nešto manje od 10 funti, dok je STIHL MS 231 C-BE ima nevjerojatnu težinu 11.5 funti. To se možda i ne čini kao velika razlika, ali kad cijeli dan nosiš svoju pilu, every ounce counts.
Omjer snage i težine
Omjer snage i težine mjera je količine snage koju stroj može proizvesti u usporedbi s njegovom težinom. Drugim riječima, it is a measure of how much power the machine has to work with in relation to its weight. Što je veći omjer snage i težine, the more powerful the machine.
STIHL MS 194 C-E ima omjer snage i težine od 2.6, dok je STIHL MS 231 C-BE ima omjer snage i težine od 2.5. To znači da MS 194 C-E is more powerful than the MS 231 C-BE, by a margin of 0.1.
Kada je riječ o omjeru snage i težine, STIHL MS 194 C-E je bolji izbor. It is more powerful than the MS 231 C-BE, and thus can get the job done quicker and with less effort.
Razina zvučnog tlaka
Ako tražite moćnu i učinkovitu motornu pilu, možda se pitate je li STIHL MS 194 C-E or the MS 231 C-BE is the right choice for you. Both of these saws are great options for anyone who needs a high-performance chainsaw, ali postoje neke ključne razlike koje biste željeli imati na umu kada donosite odluku.
The biggest difference between these two saws is their sound pressure level. MS 194 C-E has a sound pressure level of just under 90 decibela, dok je MS 231 C-BE has a sound pressure level of around 97 decibela. To znači da MS 231 C-BE je znatno glasniji od MS-a 194 C-E, and it may not be the best choice for anyone who is looking for a quiet saw.
Razina zvučne snage
Kada je riječ o izboru motorne pile, treba uzeti u obzir mnogo faktora. Jedan važan čimbenik je razina zvučne snage. Razina zvučne snage mjerilo je koliko je motorna pila glasna. The higher the sound power level, što je motorna pila glasnija.
STIHL MS 194 C-E ima razinu zvučne snage od 103 dB. STIHL MS 231 C-BE ima razinu zvučne snage od 104 dB. Tako, STIHL MS 231 C-BE is slightly louder than the STIHL MS 194 C-E.
Ako tražite tihu motornu pilu, STIHL MS 194 C-E je dobra opcija. If you are looking for a chainsaw that is a little bit louder, STIHL MS 231 C-BE je dobra opcija.
Razina vibracija lijevo/desno
STIHL MS 194 C-E i STIHL MS 231 C-BE are both great saws for anyone looking for a powerful and reliable saw. Međutim, there are some key differences between these two models that you should be aware of before making your purchase.
One of the most notable differences is the vibration level. MS 194 C-E ima razinu vibracije od 3.5 m/s2, dok je MS 231 C-BE ima razinu vibracije od 5.0 m/s2. To znači da MS 231 C-BE will be significantly more comfortable to use for extended periods of time, as it will produce less vibration.
Korak lanca pile
I STIHL MS 194 C-E i MS 231 C-BE saws use a 3/8-inch pitch saw chain. This is a common size for homeowner saws, and it is the size that is typically used for cutting firewood. The main difference between these two saws is that the MS 194 C-E has a 14-inch bar, dok je MS 231 C-BE has a 16-inch bar. This gives the MS 231 C-BE a bit more power and cutting capacity.
STIHL Oilomatic tip lančane pile
STIHL MS 194 C-E is a saw with a oilomatic saw chain. This means that it is a saw that lubricates itself as it cuts. MS 231 C-BE is also a saw with a oilomatic saw chain. Međutim, the type of oilomatic saw chain on the MS 231 C-BE is different from the MS 194 C-E.
The main difference between the two types of oilomatic chains is the way that they are lubricated. MS 194 C-E has an oil reservoir in the saw that is constantly being filled with oil. This oil is then used to lubricate the chain as it cuts. MS 231 C-BE does not have an oil reservoir. Umjesto toga, it has an oil pump that pumps oil onto the chain as it cuts.
STIHL MS 194 C-E protiv MS 231 C-BE|Koje je bolje?
If you’re looking for the najbolja motorna pila Stihl, možda se pitate je li STIHL MS 194 C-E or the MS 231 C-BE je bolja opcija. Both saws have their own unique benefits that make them stand out from the competition. Here’s a closer look at each saw so you can decide which one is right for you.
STIHL MS 194 C-E is a lightweight and compact saw that is easy to maneuver. It’s also equipped with a low-vibration system that reduces operator fatigue. MS 231 C-BE, s druge strane, is a bit heavier but it provides more power and is more durable. It also has an advanced anti-kickback system for added safety.
Tako, koja pila je bolja opcija? To zapravo ovisi o vašim potrebama i preferencijama. If you’re looking for a lightweight and easy-to-use saw, MS 194 C-E je odličan izbor. If you need a more powerful and durable saw, MS 231 C-BE je bolja opcija.
U zaključku, Stihl MS 194 C-E and the Stihl MS 231 C-BE su sjajne motorne pile. Međutim, MS 194 C-E is a better choice for those who need a more powerful and durable saw, dok je MS 231 C-BE is a better choice for those who need a more lightweight and maneuverable saw.