Stihl čs 660: Běžné problémy a efektivní řešení

If you’re a professional logger or arborist, pak víte, že Stihl čs 660 je jednou z nejlepších motorových pil na trhu. But even the best chainsaws can have problems from time to time. V tomto článku, podíváme se na některé z nejčastějších problémů s Stihl čs 660, as well as some efficient solutions.

Nejčastější dotazy

Kdy se Stihl čs 660 vyjít?

Stihl čs 660 is a powerful chain saw that was first introduced in 2004. It quickly became popular among professionals and serious hobbyists for its high power and low weight. Čs 660 has since been updated with a new engine and other improvements, but it remains one of the most popular saws on the market.

Co je CC Stihl MS 660?

Stihl čs 660 je 91.6 cc motorová pila. Je to výkonná pila, která se používá pro různé úkoly, jako je kácení stromů, řezání palivového dříví, a čisticí kartáč. It is a popular choice for many users because it is a versatile and durable saw.

Co je to MS 660 Specifikace?

  • Přemístění: 91,6 cm³
  • Výstupní výkon: 5,2/7,1 kW/bhp
  • Hmotnost: 7,4 kg
  • Poměr výkonu a hmotnosti: 1,4 kg/kW
  • Hladina akustického tlaku: 101 dB(A)
  • Hladina akustického výkonu: 114 dB(A)
  • Úroveň vibrací vlevo/vpravo: 7/7 m/s²
  • Rozteč pilového řetězu: 3/8″
  • Typ pilového řetězu STIHL Oilomatic: Rapid Super (RS)

Kolik koňských sil má MS 660 mít?

Stihl čs 660 chainsaw typically has between 60 a 70 koňská síla. The amount of horsepower that a particular saw has can vary depending on the model and year it was manufactured, as well as the specific engine installed in the saw.

Stihl čs 660

Kolik stojí Stihl 660 hmotnost?

Stihl čs 660 váží 7.4 kg, making it one of the heavier saws on the market. This weight can be attributed to its large engine and powerful cutting capabilities. While the weight may be a downside for some users, it also makes the MS 660 one of the most durable saws on the market.

Jaký řetěz má Stihl 660 mít z továrny?

Stihl čs 660 comes with a 3/8″ Picco saw chain from the factory. This is a low-kickback chain that is ideal for cutting firewood and felling trees. The chain has a link that attaches to the bar and the sprocket. This link is what creates the cutting motion. When the saw starts to wear down or if it becomes damaged, the chain can become loose. This can cause the saw to not work properly or even start to catch on objects and stop working altogether.

Jaká je maximální délka lišty Stihl MS660?

If you’re looking for a powerful saw that can handle big jobs, then you’ll want to check out the Stihl MS 660. This saw is built for serious cutting, and it can handle a bar up to 36 palce dlouhé. That means it can take on even the biggest trees and logs. So if you need a saw that can handle big jobs, Stihl MS 660 je skvělá možnost.

How much is a Stihl MS660?

Stihl čs 660 is a powerful saw that is capable of felling large trees. Je to také velmi drahá pila, s cenovkou kolem $800. If you are looking for a saw that is both powerful and affordable, Stihl MS 660 is not the saw for you.

Kde najít Stihl MS 660 na prodej?

Pokud hledáte Stihl MS 660 na prodej, your best bet is to check online retailers or classifieds websites. You might also be able to find one at a local hardware store, but availability may vary. Be sure to compare prices and shipping costs before making a purchase.

Má Stihl čs 660 přijít s pouzdrem?

If you’re in the market for a powerful and durable chainsaw, Stihl MS 660 rozhodně stojí za zvážení. But one of the things you might be wondering about is whether or not it comes with a case.

The answer is yes, Stihl MS 660 přichází s pouzdrem. This is great news if you’re looking for a chainsaw that will be easy to transport and store. The case is also great for protecting the saw from the elements and keeping it clean when not in use.

So if you’re looking for a top-quality chainsaw that comes with a case, Stihl MS 660 rozhodně stojí za to se podívat.

Stihl čs 660


Jak resetovat MS 660?

Pokud potřebujete resetovat Stihl MS 660, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Remove the spark plug and unscrew the flywheel.
  2. Remove the points plate and inspect the points. Clean or replace the points if necessary.
  3. Set the points gap to 0.020 palce.
  4. Replace the points plate and screw on the flywheel.
  5. Replace the spark plug and tighten it.
  6. Pull the cord to start the engine.

Jak seřídit karburátor na MS 660?

Pokud váš Stihl čs 660 is not performing as well as it should, there may be a problem with the carburetor. Carburetors can often be adjusted to improve performance. Here are instructions on how to adjust the carburetor on a Stihl MS 660:

  1. Turn off the power to the saw and remove the spark plug wire.
  2. Remove the screws that hold down the carburetor cover and remove the cover.
  3. Check to see if there is any debris or foreign material in the air passages of the carburetor. Pokud ano, clear it out with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  4. Clear away any obstructions in the fuel delivery system, including clogged filters and lines.
  5. Replace any defective or worn parts in the carburetor, such as gaskets, needles, and float bowls.
  6. Reattach the carburetor cover and screws, then turn on the power to the saw and check for proper operation.

Jak vyměnit barové olejové čerpadlo pro Stihl 660?

Pokud váš Stihl čs 660 is leaking bar oil, je pravděpodobné, že je třeba vyměnit olejové čerpadlo. Zde je návod, jak na to:

  1. Unscrew the four screws that hold the bar oil pump in place.
  2. Remove the old pump and replace it with a new one.
  3. Screw the new pump into place and tighten the screws.
  4. Check for leaks and make sure the pump is working properly.

Jak utažený by měl být řetěz na Stihl 660?

Stihl čs 660 chainsaw is a powerful saw that can handle mostcutting tasks. nicméně, the chain must be tight to avoid problems. You can check the tightness of the chain by putting yourfinger between the bar and the blade and wiggling itaround. The chain should not move. If it does, you mayneed to adjust the chain tension.


Stihl čs 660: Ne začít

If you’re experiencing problems with your Stihl MS, nepanikařte! There are a few easy solutions to get things working properly again. Here are a few tips to get started:

  1. Check your oil levels – Make sure your engine is receiving the right amount of oil to run smoothly. A low oil level can cause hesitation and misfire in your engine.
  2. Clean the carburetor – If the carburetor isn’t running smoothly, it could be due to build-up of fuel and air debris. Use carburetor cleaner or an air compressor to clean out the system and restore performance.
  3. Adjust your choke – If the engine is struggling to start, adjust the choke for a more consistent pull. This will help break down any Blockage in the engine that may be causing problems starting up.
  4. Doing this will help ensure that there is enough air/fuel mixture in each cylinder for combustion to occur properly when you finally do attempt starting it up.

Stihl čs 660: Řetěz bývá uvolněný

Když je řeč o motorových pilách, most people know that they tend to be a bit loose. But what causes this problem and how can you fix it? The main culprit is the tensioner. If it’s not tightened down enough, the chain will move around and become loose. There are a few ways to fix this issue:

One option is to take the tensioner off and adjust the screws until it’s in the correct position. Another option is to use a lock washer on each screw, which will help keep the tensioner in place. Celkově, chainsaw chains are typically pretty loose and need to be tightened down occasionally. Podle těchto jednoduchých kroků, you’ll be able to keep your saw running smoothly and free from pesky chain problems.

Stihl čs 660: Olej na motorové pile nefunguje

If your Oiler on chainsaw is not working, existuje několik snadných řešení. The first step is to check the chain tension. Pokud je řetěz příliš napnutý, the oiler may not be able to properly lubricate the chain. To adjust the chain tension, use a hex wrench or a socket to turn the adjusting screw located on the side of the chain housing.

Make sure that the screw is fully tightened before continuing. Pokud je řetěz příliš volný, it will allow dirt and debris to get into the engine and cause problems. To tighten or loosen the chain, use a spanner or an adjustable wrench. Konečně, if you notice any oil leaks from around the oiler or from under your chainsaw when it’s in use, it may be time to replace your oiler.

Stihl čs 660


Stihl MS660 problems can be hard to figure out, especially if you don’t know what’s wrong. That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide on how to fix Stihl MS 660 problems and get your equipment back up and running as quickly as possible. So if you’re having trouble with your Stihl MS660, read through this guide and hopefully you’ll find the solution that works best for you.