Stihl čs 171 Vs 211 C-BE: Jakou motorovou pilu kupujete?

Stihl čs 171 Vs 211 C-B: Oba Stihl čs 171 a čs 211 C-BE are powerful chainsaws designed for heavy-duty use. But what are the differences between these two saws? Let’s take a closer look and you will learn more useful information about them.

STIHL čs 171

Čs. STIHL 171 is a lightweight chainsaw that’s perfect for occasional woodcutting around the home. Ať už prořezáváte větve, řezání palivového dříví nebo kácení malých stromů, MS 171 je na úkol. It features STIHL’s unique ErgoStart system for easy starting, and a low-emission engine that’s both powerful and efficient.

With its compact design and low weight, MS 171 is easy to handle, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a versatile chainsaw.

STIHL čs 211 C-BE

STIHL čs 211 C-BE je výkonná a efektivní řetězová pila, ideální pro různé aplikace, jako je kácení, prořezávání a řezání palivového dřeva. Vyznačuje se nízkými emisemi a úsporným motorem, takže je skvělou volbou pro ty, kteří chtějí snížit svůj dopad na životní prostředí.

Čs 211 C-BE má také systém napínání řetězu bez použití nářadí a ergonomický design, což usnadňuje a pohodlně používá.

SLEČNA 171 Vs 211 C-BE

SLEČNA 171 vs 211 C-BE

Společnost STIHL MS 171 a čs 211 C-BE are both great chainsaws for homeowners. They both have similar features, ale existuje několik klíčových rozdílů, které je odlišují.

  • Čs 171 má menší motor než čs 211 C-BE, making it lighter and easier to maneuver. Má také nižší cenu.
  • Čs 211 C-BE has a larger engine and is therefore more powerful. It also has a few extra features, like a built-in chain tensioner and an Easy2Start system.

And you can know more details by reading this table.

Stihl čs 171 Vs 211 C-BE

Zdvihový objem motoru

Assuming you are comparing the engine displacement of the STIHL MS 171 a čs 211 C-BE, MS 171 has a slightly smaller engine displacement at 31.8 cc compared to the MS 211 C-BE’s 34.6 cc. nicméně, MS 171 has a higher power output at 1.4 bhp compared to the MS 211 C-BE’s 1.3 bhp.

Výstupní výkon

It’s no secret that the MS 171 a čs 211 C-BE are two of the most popular saws on the market. But which one is the better saw for you?

Čs 171 má maximální výstupní výkon 1.7 HP, zatímco čs 211 C-BE has a max power output of 2.1 HP. That means that the MS 211 C-BE has about 20% větší výkon než čs 171.

Pokud jde o rychlost řezání, MS 171 has a max speed of 13,000 RPM, zatímco čs 211 C-BE has a max speed of 16,000 RPM. That means that the MS 211 C-BE can cut about 23% faster than the MS 171.


  • SLEČNA 171: 9.5 lbs.
  • SLEČNA 211 C-BE: 10.1 lbs.

Poměr výkonu a hmotnosti

Společnost STIHL MS 171 má poměr výkonu a hmotnosti 2.24 kW/kg. That means that for every kilogram of weight, the saw can produce 2.24 kilowatty výkonu. Čs 211 C-BE, na druhou stranu, má poměr výkonu a hmotnosti 2.49 kW/kg. That’s a significant difference, and it means that the MS 211 C-BE is the more powerful saw of the two.

Tak, if you’re looking for a lightweight and maneuverable chainsaw that can still get the job done, STIHL MS 171 je skvělá volba. But if you need a little more power, STIHL MS 211 C-BE je pila pro vás.

Hladina akustického tlaku

Společnost STIHL MS 171 a čs 211 C-BE are both great options when it comes to choosing a chainsaw. But which one is the better option when it comes to sound pressure level?

Společnost STIHL MS 171 má hladinu akustického tlaku 72 dB, zatímco STIHL čs 211 C-BE má hladinu akustického tlaku 79 dB. Tak, when it comes to sound pressure level, STIHL MS 211 C-BE je lepší volba.

Hladina akustického výkonu

As far as the STIHL MS 171 vs 211 C-BE goes, the big difference is in the sound power level. Společnost STIHL MS 171 má hladinu akustického výkonu 98 dB(A), zatímco STIHL čs 211 C-BE má hladinu akustického výkonu 106 dB(A). To znamená, že čs 211 C-BE je výrazně hlasitější než MS 171.

If you’re looking for a chainsaw that’s going to be easy on your ears, MS 171 je způsob, jak jít. nicméně, if you’re looking for a chainsaw that’s going to get the job done quickly and efficiently, MS 211 C-BE je lepší volba.


Úroveň vibrací vlevo/vpravo

Společnost STIHL MS 171 is a great saw for anyone looking for a powerful and lightweight option. It offers low vibration levels and is comfortable to use. Čs 211 C-BE is a great saw for anyone looking for even more power and performance. It offers high vibration levels and is not as comfortable to use.

Společnost STIHL MS 171 has a lower vibration level than the MS 211 C-BE, takže je pohodlnější používat po delší dobu. nicméně, MS 211 C-BE does have a few features that the MS 171 ne, such as a built-in chain brake and an electronic chain tensioning system.

Rozteč pilového řetězu

The saw chain pitch is the size of the link between the teeth on the saw chain. The most common pitch sizes are 3/8”, .404“, and 7/16”. A saw with a smaller pitch will have smaller teeth and will cut more slowly, while a saw with a larger pitch will have larger teeth and will cut more quickly.

Společnost STIHL MS 171 a čs 211 C-BE are both saws with a 3/8” pitch. This means that they will have smaller teeth and will cut more slowly than a saw with a larger pitch. nicméně, MS 171 je lehčí pila než čs 211 C-BE, so it will be easier to use for smaller tasks.

If you need a saw for large, heavy-duty tasks, pak čs 211 C-BE je lepší volba. nicméně, if you need a saw for smaller tasks, pak čs 171 je lepší volba.

Typ pilového řetězu STIHL Oilomatic

Pokud jde o výběr motorové pily, there are many options on the market. But if you’re looking for a saw that is both powerful and easy to use, then you might want to consider the STIHL MS 171 nebo čs 211 C-BE. Both of these saws are designed for homeowner use, and they offer a variety of features that make them ideal for this purpose.

  1. Například, both saws have an easy-start system that makes it easy to get them started, i když jste nikdy předtím nepoužili motorovou pilu.
  2. dodatečně, both saws feature an oilomatic saw chain that is designed to stay lubricated and cool, even during extended use. This helps to extend the life of the saw and ensures that it will always be ready to use when you need it.
  3. Konečně, both saws come with a carrying case, so you can easily take them with you wherever you need to go.

Tak, která pila je pro vás ta pravá? The answer may depend on your specific needs. nicméně, if you’re looking for a saw that is powerful and easy to use, pak buď STIHL MS 171 nebo čs 211 C-BE might be a good option for you.


Což je mnohem lepší?

Společnost STIHL MS 171 a čs 211 C-BE are both great options when it comes to choosing a chainsaw. But which one is the better option for you? Here is a comparison of the two chainsaws to help you make a decision.

  • Společnost STIHL MS 171 is a great option for those who are looking for a powerful and lightweight chainsaw. It is ideal for cutting firewood and pruning trees. Čs 171 also has a low-emission engine, which makes it a great choice for those who are looking for an eco-friendly chainsaw.
  • Společnost STIHL MS 211 C-BE is a great option for those who are looking for a powerful and durable chainsaw. It is ideal for cutting firewood and pruning trees. Čs 211 C-BE also has a low-emission engine, which makes it a great choice for those who are looking for an eco-friendly chainsaw.

Tak, která motorová pila je pro vás lepší? If you are looking for a powerful and lightweight chainsaw, pak STIHL čs 171 je skvělá volba. If you are looking for a powerful and durable chainsaw, pak STIHL čs 211 C-BE je skvělá volba.


After doing some research and reading some reviews, it seems like the MS 211 C-BE is the better choice for most people. Je výkonnější a má více funkcí než MS 171, and it is also less expensive. If you are looking for a chainsaw that is going to be able to handle all of your needs, pak čs 211 C-BE je lepší volba.