Quins són els problemes amb Stihl MS 400 i com fer-ho?

If you’re experiencing problems with your Stihl MS 400 motoserra, it’s time to take it in for servicing. Here are some common problems and solutions.

Preguntes freqüents

Quan va fer la Stihl MS 400 sortir?

El Stihl MS 400 saw its debut in 2017 and quickly became one of the most popular trimmers on the market. It has played an important role in the industry and forestry since it came.

Què CC és un Stihl MS 400 ?

Un Stihl MS 400 is a gas-powered chain saw that has a 3.5 capacitat de tall de polzades. Té un 66.8 cc engine and can cut through hardwood, pine, and other types of wood.

Què és el MS 400 C-M specification?

  • Desplaçament: 66,8 cm³
  • Potència de sortida: 4/5,4 kW/cv
  • Pes: 5,8 kg
  • Relació potència-pes: 1,45 kg/kW
  • Nivell de pressió sonora: 107 dB(A)
  • Nivell de potència acústica: 118 dB(A)
  • Nivell de vibració esquerra/dreta: 3,5/3,5 m/s²
  • Pas de cadena de serra: 3/8″

Quants cavalls de potència té un MS 400 CM have?

El Stihl MS 400 has a power rating of 410 cavalls de força. This is a powerful engine that is perfect for general forestry use, tall de fusta, and other similar uses.

How much does a MS 400 C-M weight?

El Stihl MS 400 pesa 5.8 kg, o 12.8 lliures. This weight can vary depending on the model of the saw, as well as the saw’s accessories. Per exemple, the weight of the Stihl MS 400 with a saw chain and guide bar can range from 6.3 kg to 7.1 kg.

The weight of the saw is an important consideration for many users, as it can affect the saw’s maneuverability and ease of use. Per exemple, a saw that is too heavy may be difficult to control, mentre que una serra massa lleugera pot vibrar excessivament.

Stihl MS 400

Quina cadena fa la MS 400 C-M tenen de fàbrica?

El Stihl MS 400 comes with a 3/8″ PM3 saw chain as standard. Aquesta és una cadena de gamma mitjana que és adequada per a una varietat de tasques, inclosa la tala d'arbres petits i tallar branques. És una bona cadena integral que et donarà bons resultats sense ser massa agressiu.

Quina mida de barra pots posar en un Stihl MS400 ?

Hi ha diversos tipus de barres que es poden utilitzar a la Stihl MS 400. El tipus més comú és la barra estàndard, which is typically between 18 i 24 polzades de llarg. The size of the bar you can use will depend on the model of the saw and the type of chain that is being used.

How much is a Stihl MS400 ?

El Stihl MS 400 is a chainsaw that is popular for its powerful engine and durability. It typically retails for around $1,000, although the price may vary depending on the retailer and location.

Where to find Stihl MS 400C for sale?

If you’re looking for a Stihl MS 400 a la venda, there are a few different ways that you can find Stihl MS 400 a la venda. One way is to look online. You can find many online retailers that sell this chainsaw. Another way is to check your local hardware store or home improvement store. Many of these stores sell this chainsaw as well.

You might also be able to find a good deal on a used model if you’re willing to do a little digging. malgrat això, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting a quality product, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase.

Does the Stihl MS 400C come with a case?

El Stihl MS 400 is a popular lawn mower that comes with a case. The case is an important part of the machine, as it helps protect the machine from damage and makes it easier to transport. malgrat això, some people have reported problems with the case.

If the case won’t close or opens suddenly, try tightening the screws that hold it together. Si això no funciona, there may be a problem with the springs inside the case. Try replacing the springs if you can find them or buying a new case.

If your machine has trouble starting up, check to see if there is enough fuel in the tank. Make sure you have filled it up at least half way with gasoline before using it for the first time. If that doesn’t solve the problem, try cleaning out any debris that may be clogging up the engine’s carburetor.


Com restablir el Stihl MS 400?

Si necessiteu reiniciar el Stihl MS 400, the first thing you need to do is locate the carburetor. The carburetor is located on the side of the engine, and it is responsible for regulating the air and fuel mixture that goes into the engine. Once you have located the carburetor, heu de trobar els cargols d'ajust. Aquests cargols es troben a la part superior del carburador, i s'utilitzen per ajustar la barreja d'aire i combustible.

El següent pas és girar els cargols d'ajust fins que el motor funcioni sense problemes. Si el motor encara està funcionant en brut, potser haureu d'augmentar la quantitat de combustible que s'està lliurant al motor. Fer això, haureu de girar el cargol de la mescla de combustible en sentit horari. Un cop el motor funcioni sense problemes, podeu tornar els cargols d'ajust a la seva posició original.

Stihl MS 400

Com calibrar un Stihl MS 400 CM?

It’s important to keep your Stihl MS 400 running at peak performance, and part of that is making sure it’s properly calibrated. While it’s not a difficult process, it is important to follow the steps carefully in order to get accurate results.

  1. Start by consulting the owner’s manual for your specific model of Stihl MS 400. This will give you the proper settings for your saw.
  2. Pròxim, use a feeler gauge to measure the gap between the saw’s piston and the cylinder wall. This measurement should be taken at the top, middle, and bottom of the piston.
  3. Once you have the measurements, use a wrench to adjust the screws that hold the piston in place. The goal is to get the piston as close to the cylinder wall as possible without actually touching it.
  4. Finalment, check the carburetor for proper mixture settings. This can be done by using a carburetor adjustment tool or by consulting the owner’s manual.

Following these steps will ensure that your Stihl MS 400 està correctament calibrat i funciona al màxim rendiment.

Com ajustar el carburador en un Stihl MS 400 C-M?

Suposant que us referiu a Stihl MS 400 motoserra, la següent és una guia pas a pas sobre com ajustar el carburador:

  1. Localitzeu els cargols d'ajust del carburador al costat del carburador. These are typically labeled “H” for high speed and “L” for low speed.
  2. Utilitzant un tornavís, gireu el cargol "H" en sentit horari fins que estigui ajustat.
  3. Turn the “L” screw counter-clockwise until it is tight.
  4. Engegueu la motoserra i deixeu-la funcionar uns minuts.
  5. Si la motoserra encara funciona en brut, turn the “H” screw counter-clockwise until it is loose. Turn the “L” screw clockwise until it is loose.
  6. Repetiu els passos 2-5 fins que la motoserra funcioni sense problemes.

Com substituir la bomba d'oli de barra per Stihl MS 400C ?

Suposant que teniu un Stihl MS 400 motoserra, el procés per substituir la bomba d'oli de la barra és el següent:

  1. Traieu la barra i la cadena de la motoserra.
  2. Desenrosqueu la tapa de la bomba d'oli de la barra del cos de la motoserra.
  3. Traieu la bomba d'oli de la barra antiga del cos de la motoserra.
  4. Instal·leu la nova bomba d'oli de la barra al cos de la motoserra.
  5. Screw the bar oil pump cap back onto the chainsaw body.
  6. Reattach the bar and chain to the chainsaw.

Resolució de problemes

SENYORA 400 C-M: No començar

Si el vostre Stihl MS 400 la motoserra no s'engega, hi ha algunes coses que podeu fer per intentar solucionar el problema. Primer, check the fuel mixture to make sure it is correct. Si és, then check the spark plug to see if it is fouled. Si és, neteja-ho i torna-ho a provar. If the problem still persists, then you may need to take the chainsaw to a certified Stihl dealer for service.

SENYORA 400 C-M: Soroll fort

In this section, we’ll discuss some of the Stihl MS 400 ‘s most common noise problems and how to easily solve them.

The fan belt has come off the motor. If you’re experiencing a lot of noise from your Stihl MS 400 , chances are the fan belt has come off the motor. This is an easy fix if you have a replacement belt available: simply replace the belt and you’re back in business! If you don’t have a replacement belt handy, try gently rethreading the motor shaft using a wrench or pliers.

The carburetor needs cleaning or adjustingIf your machine is making excessive noise and doesn’t seem to be cutting as well as it used to, it may be time for the carburetor to get cleaned or adjusted. Many times, this issue can be resolved by visiting a professional mechanic who can adjust the carburetor according to your specific needs. Si això no funciona, consider replacing the carburetor entirely.

Stihl MS 400

SENYORA 400 C-M: Rodes lentes

Si el vostre Stihl MS 400 té rodes lentes, there are a few things you can do to speed it up. One option is to adjust the tension on the chain. Això es pot fer afluixant els cargols que mantenen la cadena al seu lloc i després apretant o afluixant el tensor fins que la cadena estigui prou ajustada o solta..

Una altra opció és ajustar la barreja de combustible. Això es pot fer afegint més o menys oli al dipòsit de gasolina. L'última opció és ajustar el carburador. Això es pot fer girant els cargols del carburador fins que el motor funcioni a la velocitat desitjada.

El final

We hope that this article has helped you to better understand the potential problems that can occur with the Stihl MS 400. As always, it is important to consult with a professional before attempting any repairs on your own. malgrat això, we hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what to look for and how to fix some of the most common issues.