Stihl ms251c chainsaw problems and easy solutions

If you are one of Stihl ms251c chainsaw owners and meet some problems already, no et preocupis, here are all the common issues of Stihl ms251c and the easy fast solutions.

When did the Stihl251c come out?

The Stihl251c was first released in 2001. It was a popular model at the time and is still a popular choice for many users today.

What CC is a Stihl ms251c?

The CC of a Stihl ms251c is the amount of cubic centimeters of displacement that the engine of the chainsaw has. En altres paraules, it is the size of the engine. The CC of the Stihl ms251c is 51cc.

How many horsepower does a Stihl ms251c have?

The MS251C is a high-powered saw that can easily cut through hardwood and other materials. It has a total of 25 cavalls de força, which is plenty for most purposes. malgrat això, some people may find the power too strong for their needs.

How much does a Stihl ms251c weight?

If you’re looking for a lightweight yet powerful chainsaw, la Stihl MS 251 C-BE pot ser l'opció perfecta per a tu. Pesant només 10.2 lliures, aquesta serra és fàcil de maniobrar, el que la converteix en una opció fantàstica tant per als usuaris novells com per als usuaris experimentats. I amb el seu motor de baixes emissions, la MS 251 C-BE també és respectuós amb el medi ambient.

Quina cadena té la Stihl ms251c de fàbrica?

La motoserra Stihl MS251C té una cadena instal·lada de fàbrica. Això vol dir que la cadena de la serra està preinstal·lada a la zona d'emmagatzematge del motor i de la fulla de la serra, facilitant l'inici.

Quina mida de barra es pot posar en un Stihl ms251c?

El Stihl MS 251 C-BE és una serra potent i versàtil, capaç de fer una gran varietat de tasques a la casa o la granja. Una de les preguntes més freqüents que ens fan sobre aquesta serra és quina barra de mida s'hi pot instal·lar.

El MS251C-BE pot allotjar barres que van des de 14 "a 20", segons el model. La barra de mida més popular per a aquesta serra és la de 18 ", ja que proporciona un bon equilibri de potència i portabilitat. Si teniu previst fer molts talls resistents, llavors la barra de 20 polzades podria ser una millor opció.

Tingueu en compte que la mida de la barra també afectarà el pes de la serra, així que assegureu-vos de triar una mida amb la qual us sentiu còmode treballant.

Quina és la longitud màxima de la barra Stihl?

La longitud màxima de la barra Stihl és 20 polzades. Aquesta longitud és perfecta per a la majoria d'aplicacions de tall. També és la longitud de barra més llarga que ofereix Stihl.

Quant costa un Stihl ms251c?

La Stihl ms251c és una serra de cadena dissenyada per a professionals. És una serra potent que pot tallar branques gruixudes i troncs amb facilitat. The ms251c is also a lightweight saw, making it easy to maneuver and use for extended periods of time. The saw retails for around $700, making it a significant investment for most people.


Where to find Stihl ms251c for sale?

If you’re looking for a Stihl ms251c for sale, your best bet is to check online retailers or classifieds websites. You might be able to find a good deal on a used model, but it’s important to make sure that the saw is in good condition before you purchase it. You should also be aware that there are counterfeit Stihl saws on the market, so be sure to do your research before buying.

How to reset the Stihl ms251c?

If you have a Stihl ms251c, there may be a problem with the machine’s reset button. This button is located on the front of the machine, just below the blade. To reset your ms251c, segueix aquests passos:

  1. Turn off your machine by pressing the power button.
  2. Remove the fuel cap from the mower’s tank.
  3. Depress the reset button for about two seconds.
  4. Replace the fuel cap and turn on your machine by pressing the power button.

How to calibrate a Stihl ms251c?

If you’re a chainsaw user, then you know that having a well-calibrated saw is important for both safety and efficiency. Here’s a quick guide on how to calibrate a Stihl MS251C:

  1. Start by checking the saw’s chain tension. The chain should be tight enough that you can just barely pull it away from the bar.
  2. Pròxim, check the carburetor settings. The idle speed should be set at around 2,500 rpm, and the fuel mixture should be set at around 1:50.
  3. Finalment, comproveu el filtre d'aire. The filter should be clean and free of any debris.

following these simple steps will help ensure that your Stihl MS251C is running at its best.

How to adjust the carburetor on a Stihl ms251c?

If the carburetor on your Stihl ms251c isn’t performing as it should, it may need to be adjusted. Aquí teniu com fer-ho:

  1. Remove the air filter cover and the air filter.
  2. Localitzeu els cargols d'ajust del carburador. On the Stihl ms251c, there are two adjustment screws, one for idle speed and one for idle mixture.
  3. Ajusteu el cargol de ralentí fins que la serra funcioni sense problemes a velocitats baixes.
  4. Ajusteu el cargol de la barreja en ralentí fins que el motor en ralentí sigui suau i estable.
  5. Substituïu el filtre d'aire i la coberta del filtre d'aire.

Com ajustar el tensor de cadena a Stihl ms251c?

Si la cadena del vostre Stihl ms251c comença a enfonsar-se o estirar-se, és hora d'ajustar el tensor. Aquest procés és relativament senzill, i només requereix unes quantes eines.

Primer, traieu la barra i la cadena de la serra. Aleshores, localitzeu els dos cargols petits al costat del tensor. Utilitzant un tornavís, afluixeu aquests cargols fins que el tensor es pugui moure cap amunt o cap avall.

Pròxim, col·loqueu la barra i la cadena a la serra, and make sure that the chain is properly seated in the bar groove. Aleshores, pull the chain tight and hold it in place with one hand. With your other hand, use the screwdriver to tighten the tensioner screws until they’re snug.

Finalment, test the saw by starting it up and making sure that the chain stays tight. If it starts to sag, simply repeat the above steps until the tension is just right.


Stihl ms251c: No començar

If your Stihl ms251c chainsaw won’t start, there are several things you can check to troubleshoot the problem.

  1. Primer, comproveu la mescla de combustible. The fuel mixture should be 50:1 proporció de gas a petroli. Si no ho és, drain the fuel and add fresh fuel.
  2. Pròxim, comproveu la bugia. The spark plug should be clean and dry. Si no ho és, clean it with a wire brush and replace it.
  3. Finalment, comproveu el filtre d'aire. The air filter should be clean and dry. Si no ho és, replace it.

If your Stihl ms251c chainsaw still won’t start, take it to a qualified repair shop.

Stihl ms251c: Soroll fort

If your Stihl ms251c is making a loud noise, hi ha algunes coses que podeu fer per intentar solucionar el problema. Primer, check to see if there is anything blocking the muffler. If there is, elimina l'obstrucció i mira si el soroll desapareix. Si el soroll persisteix, comproveu el filtre d'aire per veure si cal substituir-lo. Si el filtre d'aire està net, el problema pot ser amb la bugia. Proveu de substituir la bugia i comproveu si això soluciona el problema.

Stihl ms251c: Rodes lentes

Si el vostre Stihl ms251c té rodes lentes, hi ha algunes coses que podeu fer per intentar solucionar el problema. Primer, comproveu el filtre d'aire i netegeu-lo o substituïu-lo si està brut. Segon, comproveu la bugia i netegeu-la o substituïu-la si està bruta. Finalment, comproveu la mescla de combustible i assegureu-vos que és correcta.

Stihl ms251c: De sobte mor mentre talla

If your Stihl ms251c chainsaw suddenly dies while cutting, there are a few possible reasons why. The most common reason is that the chainsaw has run out of gas. Si aquest és el cas, simply refill the gas tank and try again.

Another possibility is that the air filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. A dirty air filter can restrict air flow to the engine, causing it to stall. To check the air filter, remove it from the chainsaw and hold it up to a light. If you can’t see through it, it’s time to replace it.

It’s also possible that the spark plug is dirty or faulty. A dirty spark plug can prevent the engine from starting, or cause it to stall while running. Per netejar la bugia, remove it from the chainsaw and scrub it with a wire brush. If it’s still dirty, substituir-lo per un de nou.

If your chainsaw is still stalling, it’s likely that there is a problem with the carburetor. The carburetor mixes air and gas before it’s drawn into the engine, and if it’s not working properly, the engine can stall. To clean the carburetor, remove it from the chainsaw and soak it in a bucket of carburetor cleaner. Once it’s clean, reattach it and try starting the chainsaw again.

Stihl ms251c: El motor perd potència gradualment

If you’re having trouble with your Stihl MS251C losing power gradually, there are a few things you can check.

  1. Primer, make sure that you’re using fresh, high-quality fuel. Old or low-quality fuel can cause the engine to lose power.
  2. Segon, check the air filter and make sure it’s clean. A dirty air filter can also cause the engine to lose power.
  3. Finalment, make sure that the spark plug is clean and in good condition. A dirty or damaged spark plug can cause the engine to misfire and lose power.

If you’ve checked all of these things and the problem persists, it’s possible that the engine is worn out and needs to be replaced.



En conclusió, if you are experiencing problems with your Stihl ms251c power tool, there are many easy solutions available. Contact an authorized Stihl dealer for assistance.