El Stihl MS 361 is a chainsaw that is popular among professional woodsmen. malgrat això, it has its share of problems and troubleshooting tips. Keep these in mind when using the chainsaw, and you should be able to enjoy the tool without any issues.
Problems and Fixes
Stihl MS 361: No començar
When your Stihl MS 361 la motoserra no s'engega, there are several things you can check. Primer, make sure that there is gas in the tank and that the tank is not empty. Pròxim, check the oil level in the chainsaw. Si el nivell d'oli és baix, add more oil to the chainsaw. Pròxim, check the spark plug to make sure it is clean and in good condition.
If the spark plug is dirty or damaged, substituir-lo per un de nou. Finalment, check the air filter to make sure it is clean and in good condition. If the air filter is dirty or damaged, substituir-lo per un de nou.
Stihl MS 361: Soroll fort
If you’re experiencing a loud noise from your Stihl MS 361 motoserra, there are likely some common problems and troubleshooting tips that can help.
- Primer, make sure the chain is tight and properly lubricated. Amb el temps, the chain can become dry and noisy. A més, keep an eye on the oil level – if it’s getting low, add more oil before using the chainsaw.
- Pròxim, it might be necessary to clean the carburetor or air filter. These areas can collect debris and gunk over time, which will cause a loud noise and decrease gas flow.
- Finalment, check to see if there’s anything caught in the chain or gearbox – this could be causing excessive noise or even paralysis of one of the saw’s gears.
Stihl MS 361: Rodes lentes
Whenyour Stihl MS 361 is having slow wheels, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and fix the issue.
Primer, make sure the chainshaft is in good condition; if it is not, it may need to be serviced. A més, check the air pressure in the carbs and valve stem gaskets; if it is low, the carb may need to be replaced or adjusted. Finalment, make sure the battery is charged up and ready to go; if it has not been used in a while, it may need to be checked for deterioration.
Stihl MS 361: De sobte mor mentre talla
There are a few things that could be causing your Stihl MS 361 to die while cutting. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common causes.
- Dirty air filter. One of the most common reasons why your Stihl MS 361 might be dying while cutting is because the air filter is dirty. A dirty air filter can restrict air flow to the engine, causing it to overheat and eventually shut down.
- Old or damaged spark plug. Another common reason for your chain saw to die while cutting is an old or damaged spark plug. A spark plug that is too old or damaged can lose its ability to create a spark, which is necessary for the engine to run.
- Low oil level. If the oil level in your chain saw is low, it can cause the engine to seize up and eventually die. Make sure to check the oil level regularly and top it off if necessary.
Stihl MS 361: El motor perd potència gradualment
Si el vostre Stihl MS 361 engine loses power gradually, it’s likely that something is causing the power to go out. Here are some tips to help troubleshoot this issue and find the fix:
- Check the air filter and oil level. If your air filter is low or has not been changed in a while, it may be causing the engine to lose power. The oil level should also be checked, as some engines require more oil than others when starting up.
- Check the fuel system. If you’re seeing any issues with your fuel system, it may be causing the engine to lose power gradually. A low fuel level can cause a stumble as you start up the engine, while a dirty fuel line can cause difficulties starting or running on startup.
- Look for any possible causes of this issue.
Stihl MS 361: La cadena acostuma a estar solta
If your chainsaw chain tends to be loose, hi ha algunes coses que podeu fer per solucionar el problema.
Primer, Assegureu-vos que la cadena estigui correctament lubricada. Pròxim, try increasing the tension on the chain by using a tool such as a wrench or plier. Finalment, if all of these measures do not help, you may need to replace the chain.
Stihl MS 361: L'oliador de la motoserra no funciona
For you’re having trouble with your Stihl MS 361 fuel injector on the chainsaw, here are some tips to help you out.
Primer, make sure that the engine is running correctly and that the chain saw is properly configured. If either of those things are not happening, then it’s likely that your fuel injector is not working properly. Try turning the injector key in order to check if it’s still working. Si no ho és, then you may need to replace the injector or have it serviced.
Preguntes freqüents
When did the Stihl MS361 come out?
El Stihl MS 361 va ser alliberat a 2004 and was a very popular model due to its combination of power and features. It quickly became one of the most popular models in the Stihl range.
What CC is a Stihl MS361?
El MS 361 és un 59 cc Stihl chainsaw. It is a powerful saw that is used for a variety of tasks, inclosa la tala d'arbres, tallar llenya, and clearing brush. El MS 361 is a durable saw that is built to last. It features a durable engine, a long-lasting bar and chain, and a host of other features that make it a top choice for those who need a reliable and powerful chainsaw.
What’s the Stihl MS361 specification?
- Desplaçament: 59 cm³
- Potència de sortida: 3,4/4,6 kW/cv
- Pes: 5,6 kg
- Relació potència-pes: 1,6 kg/kW
- Nivell de pressió sonora: 101 dB(A)
- Nivell de potència acústica: 114 dB(A)
- Nivell de vibració esquerra/dreta: 2,9/3,6 m/s²
- Pas de cadena de serra: 3/8″
How many horsepower does a Stihl MS361 have?
El Stihl MS 361 is a powerful chainsaw that is capable of delivering up to 6.3 cavalls de força. This chainsaw is designed for heavy-duty use and can handle tough cutting jobs. It is also equipped with a number of features that make it easy to use, including an adjustable oil pump, an automatic chain tensioner, and an ergonomic handle.
Quant costa un Stihl 361 pes?
El MS 361 weighs in at around 11.5 lliures sense la barra i la cadena. With the bar and chain, the saw weighs around 13.5 lliures. Tan, if you’re looking for a powerful saw that won’t weigh you down, la MS 361 és una gran opció.
Quina cadena fa la Stihl 361 tenen de fàbrica?
El Stihl MS 361 has a chain from the factory that is part of the same manufacturing process as other Stihl models. This chain is used to tighten the chainsaw chain and makes it easier to operate the saw.
Quina barra de gran es pot posar en un Stihl 361?
El Stihl MS 361 can accommodate bars up to 24 polzades de llargada. This saw is designed for medium to heavy-duty cutting applications, so a longer bar will enable it to handle larger and more challenging projects. If you frequently tackle big jobs, consider investing in a saw with a longer bar to make your work easier.
Què és el Stihl 361 longitud màxima de la barra?
El Stihl MS 361 is a powerful and versatile saw that can handle a variety of tasks. It is a popular choice for professionals and serious hobbyists alike. El MS 361 has a maximum bar length of 24 polzades, making it a good choice for larger projects. It is also a very popular saw for felling trees.
Quant costa un MS 361?
El MS 361 has a list price of $500, but it can often be found for less than that.
Where to find MS 361 a la venda?
Your best bet is to check online retailers or auction sites. You may be able to find a good deal on a used model, but it’s important to make sure that the saw is in good condition before you purchase it. It’s also a good idea to read reviews of the saw before you buy, to get an idea of what other users think of it.
Does the MS 361 venir amb un estoig?
El Stihl MS 361 does come with a case. This is a great feature because it means that you can keep your chainsaw protected when you are not using it. The case is also great for storing your chainsaw in when you are not using it.
Com Guies
Com restablir el Stihl MS 361?
- Primer, you will need to find the spark plug.
- Pròxim, you will need to remove the spark plug and clean it.
- Finalment, you will need to replace the spark plug and start the chainsaw.
Com calibrar un Stihl MS 361?
Fer això, you’ll need to adjust the screws on the carburetor. The carburetor adjustment screws are located on the side of the carburetor. The screw labeled “L” is the low-speed adjustment screw, and the screw labeled “H” is the high-speed adjustment screw.
Per ajustar el carburador, first start by turning both screws all the way in. Aleshores, turn the low-speed screw out 1 1/2 girs. Pròxim, turn the high-speed screw out 1 1/4 girs. If your chainsaw is still running too lean or too rich, you may need to adjust the screws again. Keep adjusting the screws until the chainsaw is running properly.
Com ajustar el carburador en un Stihl MS 361?
Here are some tips on how to do this:
- Remove the air filter cover and the air filter.
- Localitzeu els cargols d'ajust del carburador al costat del carburador.
- Turn the “L” screw clockwise until it is tight.
- Turn the “H” screw counterclockwise until it is tight.
- Replace the air filter and the air filter cover.
- Engegueu la motoserra i deixeu-la funcionar uns minuts.
- Si la motoserra encara no funciona correctament, repetir els passos 3-5.
Com substituir la bomba d'oli de barra per Stihl MS 361?
Here are some tips on how to replace a bar oil pump for your Stihl MS 361:
- Look for a reputable shop to do the work.
- Be sure you have the correct parts in hand before starting work.
- Follow the shop’s directions carefully, as they may vary depending on the specific model of Stihl MS 361 you’re working on.
Com ajustar el tensor de cadena a Stihl MS 361?
There are a few steps you can take to adjust the tensioner:
- Remove the chainsaw’s guide bar and chain.
- Locate the tensioner adjustment screw on the side of the chainsaw.
- Turn the tensioner adjustment screw clockwise to tighten the tensioner, o en sentit contrari a les agulles del rellotge per afluixar-lo.
- Replace the guide bar and chain, and test the chainsaw to see if the noise has been reduced.
En conclusió, if you have any of the common problems with the Stihl MS 361 va veure, sempre és millor consultar amb un professional. There are some specific tips and troubleshooting tips that can help to solve many of those problems.