El nou & Revisió honesta de la Stihl 271 Cap de granja

Most Stihl fanatics will be familiar with the Stihl 271 Cap de granja. But if you’re not, here’s what you need to know. This model was originally released in 1986 and was marketed as a small ranch forestry machine. Times have changed people, but the Stihl 271 farm owner is still a small farm staple for many who work with forest products.

Stihl 271 Farm Boss Quick Review

El Stihl 271 Farm Boss is a mid-range chainsaw with professional features. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss can be used by tree care professionals, pagesos, ranchers, or serious homeowners. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss is popular because it’s not as heavy as a full-fledged professional chainsaw but still has enough power to do serious work.

ChainSaws Direct tested the Stihl 271 and gave it a five-star rating for performance, ease of use, and vibration control. With its 2.8-horsepower engine and 16-inch stem, the Steele 271 can chop down large trees and cut the thickest logs. A les 13 lliures, it’s lighter than most professional chainsaws and easy to handle for extended periods of time.

En aquest article, we’ll check out some of the Stihl 271 Farm Boss’s features to see if it really deserves all that praise. We’ll also take a look at some accessories you can buy for your Stihl 271 Farm Boss to further enhance its performance.

Què us encantarà de la Stihl 271 Cap de granja?

El Stihl 271 Farm Boss ha estat un imprescindible per als usuaris professionals de motoserres durant més d'una dècada. És realment una de les motoserres més potents i duradores del mercat actual. Si estàs buscant una motoserra que pugui fer front a qualsevol tipus de feina que et trobis, this is the one for you.

El nou Stihl 271 Farm Boss inclourà funcions addicionals que no es troben en models anteriors, com ara un tensor automàtic de cadena, cadena trencada, i més. Aquestes funcions addicionals faran que la vostra motoserra sigui més fàcil d'utilitzar que mai.

El Stihl 271 Farm Boss és una motoserra de primer nivell per talar arbres i projectes de bricolatge. Disposa d'un sistema antivibració per reduir la fatiga. A great feature of the Stihl 271 Farm Boss is the shockproof system. The system helps reduce vibration, which reduces fatigue and allows you to work longer.

Another great feature of the Stihl 271 Farm Boss is that it has a pressure relief valve for easy activation. This means less work is required to start the chainsaw, and it starts faster than other models that don’t have this feature.

Specs of the Stihl 271 Cap de granja

Especificacions tècniques Valor
Desplaçament 50,2 cm³
Potència de sortida 2,6/3,5 kW/cv
Pes 1) 5,6 kg
Relació potència-pes 2,2 kg/kW
Nivell de pressió sonora 2) 103 dB(A)
Nivell de potència acústica 3) 115 dB(A)
Nivell de vibració esquerra/dreta 4) 4,5/4,5 m/s²
Pas de cadena de serra .325″

great stihl 271 farm boss

Stihl 271 Farm Boss Features

Mentre que el Stihl 271 Farm Boss has been around for a while, it’s still one of the best chainsaws on the market. If you’re looking for a powerful saw that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance or oil, this could be the perfect saw for you.

The most notable thing about this chainsaw is its anti-vibration system. There are two springs between the engine and the handle that absorb vibrations that can tire those who work long hours. This also reduces hand numbness, making it easier to work without worrying about proper grip.

The choke lever is located near the start cord so it’s easy to reach when starting the saw. The on/off switch is located on the front of the saw, as well as a fuel pump power adjuster (for better fuel economy) and a lock button to keep you safe while operating the saw. If you want to get some work done quickly, this chainsaw has an easy-to-start system (similar to other Stihl products) that lets you get started in three pulls or less.

El Stihl 271 Farm Boss has a larger displacement engine than other models in the range, which means more power for cutting tough wood. If you plan on doing a lot of heavy logging or falling trees in your yard, this might be just what you need. It also comes with an anti-shock system so your hands won’t wear out from holding them all day!

How Does It Compare To Other Models?

El Stihl 271 Farm Boss is a great chainsaw for those looking for something more powerful than a domestic-use saw but not quite as powerful as a professional saw. It’s also designed to be easy to use and comfortable to operate, making it ideal for home users.

El Millor motoserra Stihl Cap de granja 271 has some key features that will appeal to buyers:

  • It’s lightweight at only 10.8 lliures, making it easy to carry and operate.
  • It’s compact, with an overall length of only 23.5 polzades. També té un sistema de baixa vibració que redueix la fatiga durant les llargues sessions de treball.
  • Compta amb un sistema antivibració que redueix la fatiga durant llargues sessions de treball.
  • També té un disseny ergonòmic, que el fa còmode durant períodes prolongats d'ús.
  • La seva potència màxima de sortida és 2 cavalls de força a 9000 RPMs, perquè saps que aquesta serra està preparada quan més la necessites.

Reasonable Price

stihl 271 farm boss

Check Here You Can Check The Best Deal Of Stihl 271 Cap de granja

The price of the Stihl 271 Farm Boss is $540.00, not including tax or shipping. That price includes a five-year warranty on all parts, with the exception of consumables like spark plugs, air filters, and fuel filters, which are covered under a lifetime warranty. The latest model Stihl 271 Farm Boss is now available through Amazon.com and other online retailers.

El STIHL 271 can handle felling trees, tallant troncs, and carving wood crafts. It also has enough power to handle commercial jobs like clearing brush and cutting firewood. A les 16 lliures, el Stihl 271 Farm Boss is heavier than most other Stihl chainsaws.

This means it’s a little harder to stay in one position for long periods of time, but it also gives you more control over the saw when cutting. El pes addicional ajuda a evitar que la serra vibri excessivament mentre talla, que ajuda a mantenir la fulla afilada durant més temps.

La serra ve amb una vareta de 20 polzades, ideal per tallar troncs o tallar grans troncs d'arbres. La vareta es pot ajustar 16 polzades de llarg per a tasques més petites, com ara tallar manualitats de fusta o retallar branques d'arbusts i arbres.

Millor Qualitat

És coneguda per ser una de les millors serres de la seva classe de motoserres. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss és un cavall de batalla! Té un fre de cadena de dos pals per a seguretat, una vàlvula de descompressió per facilitar l'arrencada, nanses antivibracions, un sistema de filtració d'aire, i més. També té un tensor de cadena fàcil d'utilitzar que us permet mantenir la cadena tensa sense haver d'utilitzar eines.. El tensor de cadena es troba a la part davantera de la serra.

El Stihl 271 és el model més popular de la gamma Farm Boss. És una motoserra de gran potència que es pot utilitzar per a una varietat de tasques. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss is an excellent choice for a variety of tasks including felling trees, tallar llenya, and pruning. It has a powerful engine and is well balanced for easy handling. It’s one of the best chainsaws you can buy if you want to cut down trees or cut up large logs.

El Stihl 271 has been around for years and is still going strong. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss comes with a 30-inch bar and chain, which makes it well suited to tackling large jobs like felling trees or cutting firewood. The saw also has an automatic oiler that keeps the bar and chain well lubricated while you’re working with it. This means less downtime and more efficiency when using this chainsaw to get work done in your yard or at home.

Final Thoughts On Stihl 271 Cap de granja

stihl 271 farm boss review

Stihl is one of the best companies in the chainsaw sector. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss is the company’s most popular chainsaw. This chainsaw is suitable for almost any use, including commercial applications (though if you’re a pro, you might want to get a professional-grade chainsaw).

El Stihl 271 Farm Boss has a powerful engine that generates enough power to cut thick wood blocks with ease. This chainsaw will be able to handle most jobs you throw at it. It is made of high-quality materials, so it will last for many years.

This is a very good saw that gets the job done faster than most other small saws due to its weight and strength. El Stihl 271 Farm Boss is a very reliable saw.

If you’re in the market for a new chainsaw and have a lot of cutting work to do, try the Stihl 271 Cap de granja. The Farm Boss chainsaw is powerful enough for most situations, but still light enough to use all day without getting tired.


Now that you have a basic understanding of saws, let’s move on to the purchase decision. If you’re like me looking for a medium-sized saw that cuts well but is still light enough to handle most jobs, this is the one for you. This might not be the best chainsaw out there, but it’s definitely worth having, especially considering the price tag.