When it comes to choosing the right saw for your needs, there are a few things to consider. ال Stihl MS180 مقابل. MS170 saws are two of the most popular choices on the market. هنا, we’ll compare the two chainsaws to help you choose which is the best fit for your needs in this article. Let’s read on right now!
Stihl MS180 و Stihl MS170
ال Stihl MS 180 هو منشار بالمنشار عالي الجودة مصمم للاستخدام من قبل المحترفين. السعر أعلى من سعر Stihl MS 170, لكنه يقدم بعض الميزات الإضافية. لكن, لصاحب المنزل العادي, هذه الميزات لا تستحق الأموال الإضافية. لذلك, إذا كنت ستستخدم المنشار الجديد في المنزل, ثم Stihl MS 170 سيكون خيارا أفضل. يكمن الاختلاف الرئيسي بين المنشارين في حجم المحرك.
Stihl ms 170 is a gas-powered chainsaw that is available in a variety of configurations. This chainsaw is a powerful tool that is perfect for those who are looking for a reliable saw that can handle a variety of tasks. This chainsaw is available in both a standard and an extended-length model. The extended-length model features a longer chain and bar, which makes it ideal for larger cuts.
ما هو الفرق بين Stihl MS180 و Stihl MS170?
ال Stihl MS هو تحسن كبير على المنشار المشهور بالفعل. يعد MS170 نموذجًا أقدم تم استبداله بـ MS180, لكن الكثير من الناس لا يزالون يمتلكونها ويتساءلون عما إذا كان الأمر يستحق الترقية. أسهل طريقة لمعرفة الفرق بين هذين المنشارين هي النظر إلى الغطاء العلوي. غطاء MS170 أصغر بكثير من MS180, مما يعني أنه يمكن دخول هواء أقل لتبريد المنشار.
الفرق الواضح الآخر بين هذين النموذجين هو وزنهما. يزن MS170 8 جنيه بينما يزن MS180 11 جنيه أو رطل للوزن, لذلك سيكون من الأصعب قليلاً أن تحملها معك أثناء قطع الأشجار أو القيام بأعمال أخرى بالخارج.
يحتوي المنشار أيضًا على بعض الاختلافات الأخرى من حيث كيفية صنعه: يحتوي MS170 على طول شريط ثابت ولا يوجد تعديل للأشرطة ذات الأحجام المختلفة; علاوة على ذلك, لا يوجد أي نظام شد للسلسلة بدون أدوات كما هو الحال في معظم الموديلات الأحدث في الوقت الحاضر.
لذا, which saw is the best for you? Stihl MS180 و Stihl MS170 هما مناشير مختلفة من نفس الشركة المصنعة, لكنها متشابهة جدًا أيضًا. كلاهما يعمل بالغاز, مناشير صغيرة يمكن استخدامها للمهام الخفيفة والمتوسطة. كلاهما لديه ملف 16 بوصة شريط وسلسلة, 35.2 محركات سم مكعب وتزن أقل بقليل 11 جنيه أو رطل للوزن.
Stihl MS180 هو منشار الجنزير الذي يحتوي على محرك 45.6 سم مكعب ويأتي مع مزيت سلسلة أوتوماتيكية بشكل قياسي. إنه أحد أكثر الموديلات شيوعًا في مجموعة Stihl وقد تلقى عددًا من التقييمات الإيجابية من المستخدمين الذين وجدوا أنه مفيد جدًا وسهل الاستخدام. يعتبر Stihl MS170 نموذجًا مشابهًا ولكنه لا يتضمن مزيتًا أوتوماتيكيًا, مما يعني أنك بحاجة إلى تشحيم السلسلة يدويًا كل بضع دقائق إذا كنت تستخدمها لفترات طويلة من الوقت أو في ظروف متربة.
يأتي كلا المنشارين مع مقابض مقاومة للاهتزاز لمزيد من الراحة والأمان عند العمل في وظائف كبيرة مثل قطع الأشجار أو تنظيف الفرشاة على الأراضي غير المستوية. Stihl MS180 أثقل قليلاً في 12 جنيه أو رطل للوزن, ولكن يمكن تعويض ذلك من خلال سعة خزان الوقود الأكبر 0.9 لترات (0.24 جالون). كما أنه ينتج ضوضاء أقل قليلاً من نظيره الأصغر عند 95 ديسيبل(أ) مقارنة بـ 97 ديسيبل(أ) لـ Stihl MS170.
يتميز MS180 بمحرك أكبر قليلاً من MS170, ولكن لديها أيضًا بعض الترقيات الأخرى التي تجعلها أكثر تنوعًا. يعد MS170 أحد أشهر الموديلات لأصحاب المنازل الذين يبحثون عن منشار كهربائي غير مكلف وقوي. إنه مصمم لسهولة الاستخدام والتعامل, بتصميم خفيف الوزن ومقبض مريح يجعل حمله مريحًا.
قوة المحرك
Stihl MS 180 و MS 170 are both chainsaws that are designed for light-duty work around the house. من حيث قوة المحرك, في Stihl MS 180 is slightly more powerful than the MS 170. MS 180 features a 1.5 محرك كيلوواط, بينما MS 170 لديه 1.3 محرك كيلوواط. This means that the MS 180 can handle slightly tougher cutting tasks, such as cutting larger trees and thicker branches, than the MS 170.
Both the Stihl MS 180 و MS 170 are relatively lightweight chainsaws, which makes them easy to handle and maneuver. The weight difference between the two models is minimal, مع مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد 170 وزن 3.9 كجم وMS 180 وزن 4.1 كلغ. This means that there is only a 0.2 kg difference in weight between the two models, making them equally easy to use for extended periods.
When it comes to capacity, في Stihl MS 180 performs better than the MS 170 due to its larger bar and chain. MS 180 has a 16-inch bar and chain, بينما MS 170 has a 14-inch bar and chain. This means that the MS 180 can cut through thicker branches and larger trees than the MS 170. لكن, if you only need a chainsaw for lighter tasks, like cutting firewood or trimming smaller branches, the MS 170’s smaller bar and chain may be sufficient.
إيجابيات وسلبيات
Stihl MS 180
- More powerful engine for tougher cutting tasks
- Larger bar and chain for increased capacity
- Lightweight and easy to handle
- Slightly more expensive than the MS 170
- May be too powerful for lighter work
Stihl MS 170
- Affordable price point
- Lightweight and easy to handle
- Sufficient for most light-duty tasks
- Less powerful than the MS 180
- Smaller bar and chain may not be suitable for larger tasks
يأتي كل من Stihl MS180 و Stihl MS170 بنفس السعر تقريبًا. MS 180 هي خطوة طفيفة للأعلى, ولكن ليس لديها الكثير لجعله خيارًا أفضل من الآخر. الفرق بين المنشارين فقط $40. هذا ليس شيئًا كبيرًا عندما يتعلق الأمر بعملية شراء كبيرة كهذه. لذلك إذا كنت تبحث عن الحصول على أحد هذه المناشير, يجب أن تختار بناءً على ما تحتاجه, ليس على السعر.
إذا كنت تبحث عن شيء يمكن أن يقطع أطرافًا صغيرة, إذن ربما يجب أن تفكر في MS170. هذا المنشار لديه الكثير من القوة, ولكن ليس لديها نفس القدر مثل 180. لذلك إذا كنت ستقطع بعض الفروع الكبيرة والسجلات, ثم قد لا يكون هذا لك.
To check the availability of Stihl MS180 and MS170 chainsaws, you can start by checking with Stihl dealers or authorized retailers in your area. They will be able to provide information about their current stock and any upcoming deliveries.
You can also search online retailers and marketplaces to see if they have the models in stock. Keep in mind that availability can change quickly, so it is best to act quickly if you find a model that meets your needs.
Chainsaw Tips for Stihl MS 170 و 180 Models
1. Use Protection
Before you start the chainsaw, you need to wear protective gear. This includes eye and ear protection, gloves, long pants, and sturdy boots that cover your ankles. Eye protection will shield your eyes from flying debris, while ear protection will prevent hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. Gloves will provide a better grip and reduce the risk of cuts and blisters caused by vibration. Pants and boots will protect your legs and feet from cuts and injuries caused by the chainsaw.
2. Starting the Chainsaw
Stihl MS 170 و 180 models have an easy starting system that requires minimal force. Before you start the engine, make sure the chain brake is engaged, the choke is on, and the throttle lock is engaged. Press the decompression valve to reduce pressure and make the starting easier. ثم, grip the top handle with your left hand and the starter cord with your right hand and pull slowly until you feel some resistance. ثم, pull quickly and forcefully to start the engine. Once it starts, release the choke and accelerate to let the engine warm up.
3. Using Full Throttle
To cut wood efficiently and quickly, you need to use full throttle. Full throttle means pressing the throttle trigger button completely to the fullest extent allowed. This will make the chain rotate faster and cut through wood faster. Always hold the chainsaw with both hands, keeping your left hand on the top handle and your right hand on the throttle trigger. Avoid letting the chainsaw touch the ground or any other surface while it’s running. Always use your left hand to support the chainsaw and control the direction of the cut.
4. Inspect the Chainsaw
Before you use the chainsaw, you need to inspect it for any damage or wear that could affect its performance or safety. Check the chain tension to make sure it’s neither too tight nor too loose. Tighten or loosen the chain using the adjustment screws until you can pull it away from the bar but not too far. Check the air filter, fuel filter, and spark plug for any dirt or debris that could clog or damage them. Clean or replace them if needed. Check the oil level and fuel level before starting the engine.
5. Declutter the Workspace
أخيراً, before you start cutting wood, you need to declutter the area and remove any potential obstacles or hazards. This includes rocks, sticks, الكابلات, or other debris that could hinder your movement or damage the chainsaw. Make sure you stand on a stable surface and avoid cutting wood on slopes or uneven terrain. Keep a safe distance from other people or objects, especially when using full throttle. Use wedges or other tools to control the direction and speed of the cut and avoid pinching or binding the chainsaw.
أسئلة وأجوبة
q1. Can I Use the Stihl MS170 as a Professional-Level Chainsaw?
The Stihl MS170 is an excellent chainsaw that is well suited for home and small business needs. This chainsaw is lightweight, سهل الاستخدام, and comes in at an affordable price, making it a popular choice among homeowners and DIY enthusiasts.
لكن, despite its impressive features, the MS170 may not be a suitable option for professional use. The power output of this chainsaw is only 1.3 كيلوواط, which is not strong enough for heavy-duty jobs. Hence, it is best to use the Stihl MS170 for light to medium tasks such as trimming, تشذيب, and cutting small trees.
q2. What Is the Expected Lifespan of a Stihl MS170?
The expected lifespan of a Stihl MS170 depends on various factors, including frequency of use, maintenance, and storage. لكن, with proper care and maintenance, a Stihl MS170 can last for several years.
The manufacturer of Stihl chainsaws recommends periodic maintenance, including regular air filter cleaning and replacement, lubrication of the chain, and inspection of bar and chain tension. It is also recommended to use high-quality fuel and oil to keep your chainsaw in top condition.
q3. How big of a bar can I put on a Stihl ms180?
The Stihl MS180 is designed to work with a guide bar length of up to 16 بوصات. لكن, the size of the guide bar you can use on your chainsaw depends on several factors, including the size of the engine, the type of material you want to cut, and your experience as a chainsaw user. For safety reasons, it is best to use the recommended guide bar length specified by the manufacturer.
q4. Is the Stihl MS180 a Professional Chainsaw?
The Stihl MS180 is a popular chainsaw that is well-suited for home and small business use. It is designed for light to medium tasks like pruning and cutting small trees. While it is not powerful enough for heavy-duty jobs, it is still a high-quality chainsaw that is reliable and durable. لكن, it may not be suitable for professional use, especially for commercial jobs that require more power and a longer bar length.
Our Final Choice
When it comes to choosing a saw, there are a few things to consider. But when it comes to choosing between the MS180 and MS170, the biggest factor to consider is your needs.
The MS180 is a more versatile saw than the MS170, offering a bit more power and capacity. But if you only need a saw for basic woodworking tasks, the MS170 is a better choice. It’s also lighter and easier to handle, making it a good choice for smaller projects.
أخيرًا, the choice comes down to your specific needs. If you only need a basic saw for basic woodworking tasks, the MS180 is a great option. But if you need more power and capacity, the MS170 is the better choice.
If you are looking for a saw الذي - التي is versatile and can handle a variety of tasks, the Stihl MS180 is a good choice. It is easy to use and is powerful enough to cut through most materials. لكن, if you are looking for a saw that is specifically designed for cutting wood, the Stihl MS170 is a better option. It is easier to use and has a more compact design, which makes it easier to store.